This code is based on Lemariva's [uPyLora repository]( I made a few minor changes to make it work with LoRaWAN. In particular, support for the 868.1MHz frequency (used for channel 0 according to the TTN EU868 frequency plan) was added, as well as a function for sending raw binary data (bytearrays) instead of strings. # uPyLora ESP32 using MicroPython meets lora. # Setup * ``: sends ping-pong messages between the nodes (bidirectional communication) * `` and ``: unidirectional communication between the nodes (Note: deploy the `` on one node and the `` on another node) # Hardware * [Wemos® TTGO LORA32 868/915Mhz]( board. # Revision * 0.1 first commit # Licenses * Apache 2.0 # References * Basically based on: [Wei1234c GitHub]( The original project was cleaned and made compatible with the [Wemos® TTGO LORA32 868/915Mhz]( board.