# imaginaerraum LoRa Workshop This workshop assumes you are familiar with the basics of MicroPython (see [apos's MicroPython Workshop][micropython-workshop] for an introduction). [micropython-workshop]: https://imaginaerraum.de/git/apo/micropython-workshop ## Hardware We use the [Wemos® TTGO LORA32 868/915Mhz board][wemos]. [wemos]: https://www.banggood.com/2Pcs-LILYGO-TTGO-LORA32-915Mhz-ESP32-LoRa-OLED-0_96-Inch-Blue-Display-p-1239769.html ## Software We make use of the two MicroPython libraries [uPyLora by lemariva][lemariva] and [uLoRaWAN by mallagant][mallagant]. uPyLora is a driver for the SX1276 LoRa module which is connected to the ESP32. uLoRaWAN is a library which creates LoRaWAN packages, which you can then send via LoRa to send data to [TheThingsNetwork][ttn]. I added a wrapper class [LoRaTransceiver](micropython/lora_transceiver.py) which makes them a bit easier to use. [lemariva]: https://github.com/lemariva/uPyLora [mallagant]: https://github.com/mallagant/uLoRaWAN [ttn]: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/ ## Setup The files you will need are all located in the `micropython/` subfolder. To get started, you can either upload the file * `lora_transceiver.py` and the folders * `uPyLora/` * `uLoRaWAN/` * `uPySensors/` to the ESP, or just flash [this image](micropython/esp32-image/image.bin). Here are some examples how to use the LoRa module: __1. LoRa sending:__ ``` from lora_transceiver import LoRaTransceiver from uPySensors.ssd1306_i2c import Display d = Display() # create transceiver lora = LoRaTransceiver(display=d) # send data lora.send_string('imaginaerraum') ``` __2. LoRa receiving:__ ``` from lora_transceiver import LoRaTransceiver from uPySensors.ssd1306_i2c import Display d = Display() # create transceiver lora = LoRaTransceiver(display=d) # start receiving data #lora.recv() ``` __3. LoRaWAN sending:__ ``` from lora_transceiver import LoRaTransceiver from uPySensors.ssd1306_i2c import Display import uLoRaWAN from uLoRaWAN.MHDR import MHDR d = Display() # create transceiver for LoRaWAN frequency (channel 0 = 868.1 Mhz) lora = LoRaTransceiver(frequency=868.1E6, syncword=0x34, display=d) # change the spreading factor lora.setSpreadingFactor(9) # TODO: set address and keys for LoRaWAN devAddr = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] nwkSKey = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] appSKey = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] devAddr_hex = " ".join(list(map(lambda x: "{0:02x}".format(x), devAddr))).upper() nwkSKey_hex = " ".join(list(map(lambda x: "{0:02x}".format(x), nwkSKey))).upper() appSKey_hex = " ".join(list(map(lambda x: "{0:02x}".format(x), appSKey))).upper() print("devAddr: ", devAddr_hex) print("nwkSKey: ", nwkSKey_hex) print("appSKey: ", appSKey_hex) # lorawan object for conversion of data in LoRaWAN message format lorawan = uLoRaWAN.new(nwkSKey, appSKey) def send_lorawan(message, frame_cnt=0): lorawan.create(MHDR.UNCONF_DATA_UP, {'devaddr': devAddr, 'fcnt': frame_cnt, 'data': list(map(ord, message)) }) payload = lorawan.to_raw() lora.send(payload) print("lorawan message sent") send_lorawan("Hello world!") ``` (you can also find these in the `examples/` subdirectory) For more information, have a look at the documentation of the [LoRaTransceiver](micropython/lora_transceiver.py) class.