
90 lines
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Raw Normal View History

from casadi import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
file = open('tmp2019_cci_08_26_11_36_00.txt')
c = (0.0, 0.0) # center of big circle
R = 15.0 # radius of big circle
# center for smaller circles
p1 = (-5.55287862, -7.64288174)
p2 = (5.55287862, -7.64288174)
p3 = (-8.98474635, 2.91932105)
p4 = (8.98474635, 2.91932105)
p5 = (0.00000000, 9.44712138)
rtilde = 5.5 # radius of smaller circles
points = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5]
# midpoint between center of two circles
m = np.mean([p1, p2], axis=0)
# vector in direction of midpoint
v = m - np.array(c)
v = v/np.linalg.norm(v)
plt.xlim((-16, 16))
plt.ylim((-16, 16))
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', 'box')
for p in points:
plt.plot(p[0], p[1], 'o')
circle = plt.Circle(p, rtilde, fill=False)
circle = plt.Circle(c, R, fill=False)
plt.plot(c[0], c[1], 'o')
plt.plot(m[0], m[1], 'o')
opti = casadi.Opti()
r = opti.variable(1) # radius of new circle
p = opti.variable(2) # center of new circle
#v1 = opti.variable(2) # direction vector from
#v2 = opti.variable(2)
lamb = opti.variable(1)
opti.subject_to(p == c + v * lamb)
opti.subject_to((p[0] - p1[0])**2 + (p[1] - p1[1])**2 >= (rtilde + r)**2)
#opti.subject_to(p == (rtilde + r) * v1 + p1)
#opti.subject_to(p == (rtilde + r) * v2 + p2)
#opti.subject_to((v1[0]**2+v1[1]**2)**0.5 == 1)
#opti.subject_to((v2[0]**2+v2[1]**2)**0.5 == 1)
opti.subject_to(R == lamb + r)
opti.subject_to(r >= 0)
opti.subject_to(r <= R)
#opti.subject_to(lamb >= 0.6 * R)
init_r = 0.1
init_lamb = R - init_r
init_p = c + v * init_lamb
opti.set_initial(r, init_r)
opti.set_initial(p, init_p)
opti.set_initial(lamb, init_lamb)
#opti.set_initial(v1, )
sol = opti.solve()
p = sol.value(p)
r = sol.value(r)
lamb = sol.value(lamb)
print("p = {}".format(p))
print("r = {}".format(r))
print("lambda = {}".format(lamb))
print("v = {}".format(v))
plt.plot(p[0], p[1], 'o')
circle = plt.Circle(p, r, fill=False)