import os from FreeCAD import Rotation, Base, newDocument os.chdir('/home/bt304019/programming/imaginaerraum/cerealist/prototype') from circles import PlateLayout N = 5 plate_radius = 150.0 plate_layout = PlateLayout(N, plate_radius) tube1, tube2 = plate_layout.compute_layout() print("tube1 = {}".format(tube1)) print("tube2 = {}".format(tube2)) # use slightly smaller radius so we have some gap tube1['radius'] = 50.0 tube2['radius'] = 20.0 doc = newDocument() # set parameters (in mm) height = 1.0 # create plate plate = Part.makeCylinder(plate_radius, height, Base.Vector(0,0,0), Base.Vector(0,0,1)) r = tube1['radius'] for k in range(0,len(tube1['coords'].values())): print(k) v = Base.Vector(tube1['coords'][k][0], tube1['coords'][k][1], -1) big_circle_template = Part.makeCylinder(tube1['radius'], height+2, v, Base.Vector(0,0,1)) plate = plate.cut(big_circle_template) del big_circle_template # remove the template # blades blade_template = Part.makeCylinder(height/2, thickness, Base.Vector(height/2,0, -thickness/2)) blades1 = blade_template.cut(rod) blades2 = blades1.copy() blades2.Placement.Rotation = Rotation(0, 0, 90) del blade_template # remove the template # show all the stuff we created just now doc.recompute()