import socket import pygame import json from math import sin,cos,atan2,pi from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('bot', metavar='bot', type=str, help='ip address of the controlled robot') parser.add_argument('id', metavar='id', type=str, help='id of the controlled robot') parser.add_argument('meas', metavar='meas', type=str, help='ip address of the measurement server') args = parser.parse_args() bot = meas = args.meas w = 640 h = 480 pygame.init() surf = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) bg = pygame.Color(0,0,0) botcol = pygame.Color(255, 0, 0) setcol = pygame.Color(0, 255, 0) meas_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: meas_socket.connect((meas, 42424)) # connect to robot except socket.error: print("could not connect to measurement socket") rc_socket = socket.socket() try: rc_socket.connect((bot, 1234)) # connect to robot except socket.error: print("could not connect to bot socket") meas_socket.sendall(f"{}\n".encode()) class Bot(object): FAR, CLOSE, ANGLE, REACHED = range(4) def __init__(self, control): self.sock = control self.state = Bot.REACHED self.tx = self.ty = None self.ta = None def move(self, x, y, angle = None): self.tx = x self.ty = y self.ta = angle self.pps = True self.pas = True print() print(f"GOING TO {x},{y}") print() self.state = Bot.FAR def rotate(self, angle): self.ta = angle self.state = Bot.ANGLE def stop(self): self.sock.send(f'(0,0)\n'.encode()) def step(self, x, y, angle): umax = 1.0 if self.tx != None: dp = ((self.tx - x)**2 + (self.ty - y)**2)**0.5 da = atan2(self.ty - y, self.tx - x) - angle # Position state: Determine if the angle to the target flips over +-pi/2, i.e. going past the target now def pst(angle): while angle > pi: angle -= 2*pi while angle <-pi: angle += 2*pi return abs(angle) > pi/2 # Angle state: When 'close' to target angle (absolute value <= pi/2) use the sign, else 0. When the angle flips over 0, the difference is +- 2 def ast(angle): while angle > pi: angle -= 2*pi while angle <-pi: angle += 2*pi return 0 if abs(angle) >= pi/2 else 1 if angle >= 0 else -1 # Move with speed and change towards angle def control(speed, angle, backwards = True): ca = cos(angle) speed = speed * cos(angle) # Move angle to [0..2*pi] while angle < 0: angle += 2*pi while angle > 2*pi: angle -= 2*pi if backwards: # If we can go backwards, angle should be pi or 0 if angle >= pi/2 and angle < 3*pi/2: # pi/2 .. 3/2 pi should move towards pi angle -= pi print(f"Go for pi, {angle}") else: # Everything else should be 0. Make sure angles in 3/2 pi .. 2 pi don't lead to huge outputs. if angle >= 3*pi/2: angle -= 2*pi print(f"Go for 0, {angle}") else: # Have to go forward, just try to get angle to 0 # Correct angle to be [-pi..pi] while angle > pi: angle -= 2*pi print(f"Always go for 0, {angle}") ul, ur = speed, speed if speed == 0 and abs(angle) < 0.5: angle = 0.5 if angle > 0 else -0.5 if angle < 0 else 0 ul -= angle * 0.5 ur += angle * 0.5 vd = max(1, abs(ul)/umax, abs(ur)/umax) ul /= vd ur /= vd print(f"Movement: {ul},{ur}") self.sock.send(f'({ul},{ur})\n'.encode()) self.pps = pst(angle) self.pas = ast(angle) if self.state == Bot.FAR: if dp <= 0.3: # Close to the target self.state = Bot.CLOSE self.pps = pst(da) else: # When far, just move towards the target print(f"FAR {umax}, {da}") control(umax, da) if self.state == Bot.CLOSE: if pst(da) != self.pps and dp <= 0.1: # The angle flips over +- pi/2, go for the angle setpoint self.state = Bot.ANGLE self.pas = 0 else: print(f"CLOSE {umax*dp/0.3} {da} {pst(da)} {self.pps}") control(0.3+(umax*dp/0.3), da) if self.state == Bot.ANGLE: if self.ta == None: # No angle setpoint, we're done self.state = Bot.REACHED bot.stop() else: # Use angle setpoint for angle difference da = self.ta - angle # Difference between angle states: # +- 1 means flipping between 'closer than pi/2' and 'further than pi/2' # +- 2 means abs(angle) < pi/2 and the sign changes -> In position! if abs(ast(da) - self.pas) == 2: # Done self.state = Bot.REACHED bot.stop() else: # Don't move, just rotate print(f"ANGL {0} {da} {ast(da)} {self.pas}") control(0, da, False) meas_file = meas_socket.makefile('rw', encoding='utf8', newline='\n') bot = Bot(rc_socket) bot.move(0, 0, 0) running = True ml = 0.5 scale = 220 / 0.5 while running: received = json.loads(meas_file.readline().strip()) received = json.loads(meas_file.readline().strip()) # Extract position, angle x = received['x'] y = received['y'] a = received['angle'] events = pygame.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: bot.move(ml, 0, pi) if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: bot.move(-ml, 0, 0) if event.key == pygame.K_UP: bot.move(0, ml, pi*3/2) if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: bot.move(0, -ml, pi/2) if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: bot.stop() running = False elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() bot.move((x-w/2)/scale, (y-h/2)/scale) surf.fill(bg), botcol, (w/2 + scale * x, h/2 + scale * y), 10, 2) pygame.draw.line(surf, botcol, (w/2 + scale * x, h/2 + scale * y), (w/2 + scale * x + 15 * cos(a), h/2 + scale * y + 15 * sin(a))) if bot.tx != None and bot.ty != None:, setcol, (w/2 + scale * bot.tx, h/2 + scale * bot.ty), 10, 2) if bot.ta != None: pygame.draw.line(surf, setcol, (w/2 + scale * bot.tx, h/2 + scale * bot.ty), (w/2 + scale * bot.tx + 15 * cos(bot.ta), h/2 + scale * bot.ty + 15 * sin(bot.ta))) pygame.display.flip() if running: bot.step(x, y, a)