import sys import socket import threading import time from mpc_controller import MPCController import opencv_viewer_example MSGLEN = 64 def myreceive(sock): chunks = [] bytes_recd = 0 while bytes_recd < MSGLEN: chunk = sock.recv(1) if chunk == b'': raise RuntimeError("socket connection broken") chunks.append(chunk) bytes_recd = bytes_recd + len(chunk) if chunks[-1] == b'\n': break return b''.join(chunks) class Robot: # dictionary mapping the current orientation and a turn command to the resulting orientation resulting_orientation = { '^': {'turn left': '<', 'turn right': '>', 'turn around': 'v'}, '>': {'turn left': '^', 'turn right': 'v', 'turn around': '<'}, 'v': {'turn left': '>', 'turn right': '<', 'turn around': '^'}, '<': {'turn left': 'v', 'turn right': '^', 'turn around': '>'}, } # dictionary mapping an orientation to its opposite opposites = {'^': 'v', '>': '<', 'v': '^', '<': '>'} def __init__(self, id, ip, x=0, y=0, orientation='>'): self.x = x self.y = y self.orientation = orientation = id self.pos = None self.euler = None self.ip = ip self.socket = socket.socket() # currently active control self.u1 = 0.0 self.u2 = 0.0 def get_neighbor_coordinates(self, direction): # get the coordinates of the neighboring tile in the given direction if direction == '^': return (self.x, self.y - 1) elif direction == '>': return (self.x + 1, self.y) elif direction == 'v': return (self.x, self.y + 1) elif direction == '<': return (self.x - 1, self.y) else: print("error: unknown direction") sys.exit(1) def move(self, type): if type == 'forward': target_tile = self.get_neighbor_coordinates(self.orientation) self.x = target_tile[0] self.y = target_tile[1] elif type == 'backward': opposite_orientation = Robot.opposites[self.orientation] target_tile = self.get_neighbor_coordinates(opposite_orientation) self.x = target_tile[0] self.y = target_tile[1] elif 'turn' in type: self.orientation = Robot.resulting_orientation[self.orientation][type] else: print("error: invalid move") sys.exit(1) def connect(self): # connect to robot try: print("connecting to robot {} with ip {} ...".format(, self.ip)) #self.socket.connect((self.ip, 1234)) # connect to robot print("connected!") except socket.error: print("could not connect to robot {} with ip {}".format(, self.ip)) sys.exit(1) def send_cmd(self, u1=0.0, u2=0.0): if self.socket: try: self.socket.send(f'({u1},{u2})\n'.encode()) except BrokenPipeError: #print(f"error: connection to robot {} with ip {self.ip} lost") pass def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return f"x: {self.x}, y: {self.y}, orienation: {self.orientation}" class RemoteController: def __init__(self): # self.robots = #[Robot(11, '', (6, -3, np.pi)), Robot(12, '', (6, -3, np.pi)), # Robot(13, '', (6, -3, np.pi)), Robot(14, '', (6, -2, np.pi))] #self.robots = [Robot(13, '', (6, -3, np.pi))] #self.robots = [] #self.robots = [Robot(11, '', (6,-3,0)), Robot(14, '', (6,3,0))] #self.robots = [Robot(11, ''), Robot(14, '')] self.robots = [Robot(12, '')] self.robot_ids = {} for r in self.robots: self.robot_ids[] = r self.valid_cmds = ['forward', 'backward', 'turn left', 'turn right', 'turn around', 'get position', 'set position'] # socket for movement commands self.comm_socket = socket.socket() self.comm_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) for robot in self.robots: robot.connect() self.comm_socket.bind(('', 1337)) self.comm_socket.listen(5) self.t = time.time() # start thread for marker position detection self.estimator = opencv_viewer_example.ArucoEstimator(self.robot_ids.keys()) self.estimator_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.estimator.run_tracking) self.estimator_thread.start() self.controller = MPCController(self.estimator) def run(self): print("waiting until all markers are detected...") while not self.estimator.all_corners_detected(): pass print("starting control") running = True while running: (clientsocket, address) = self.comm_socket.accept() clientsocket.settimeout(None) connected = True while connected: try: data = myreceive(clientsocket) print("data received: ", data) inputs = data.split(b',') cmd = inputs[0] cmd = cmd.strip().decode() if len(inputs) > 1: if cmd in self.valid_cmds: try: robot_id = int(inputs[1]) except ValueError: print("could not read robot id!") clientsocket.sendall(b'Could not read robot id!\n') if robot_id in self.robot_ids: if cmd == b'get position': clientsocket.sendall(bytes('{}\n'.format(self.robot_ids[robot_id].grid_pos))) elif cmd == b'set position': try: pos_data = ",".join(inputs[2:]) new_grid_pos = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x[1]) if x[0] < 2 else float(x[1]), enumerate(pos_data.strip().strip('()').split(',')))) self.robot_ids[robot_id].grid_pos = new_grid_pos clientsocket.sendall(b'OK\n') except IndexError as e: print("could not set grid position!") clientsocket.sendall(bytes( 'could not set grid position! (invalid format)\n'.format( self.robot_ids[robot_id].grid_pos))) except ValueError as e: print("could not set grid position!") clientsocket.sendall(bytes('could not set grid position! (invalid format)\n'.format(self.robot_ids[robot_id].grid_pos))) else: self.grid_control(robot_id, cmd) clientsocket.sendall(b'OK\n') else: print("invalid robot id!") clientsocket.sendall(b'Invalid robot id!\n') else: clientsocket.sendall(b'Invalid command!\n') else: # len(inputs) <= 1 if b'quit' in inputs[0]: clientsocket.close() self.comm_socket.close() connected = False running = False else: print("could not process command!") clientsocket.sendall(b'Could not process request!\n') except RuntimeError: print("disconnected") connected = False clientsocket.close() def grid_control(self, robot_id, cmd): robot = self.robot_ids[robot_id] # get robot to be controlled print("robot grid pos before move: ", robot) robot.move(cmd) print("robot grid pos after move: ", robot) target = self.estimator.get_pos_from_grid_point(robot.x, robot.y, robot.orientation) self.controller.move_to_pos(target, robot) def main(args): rc = RemoteController() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)