import sys import socket import pygame import pygame.joystick import rospy import pygame.freetype from fiducial_transform.msg import id_pos_angle from shapely.geometry import Polygon import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from shapely.geometry import Point import numpy as np from collections import OrderedDict from copy import deepcopy import time # for debugging: # rosrun image_view image_view image:=/fiducial_images class race_track: """ This class existing for a checking position of robots on the track We have four aruco markers for outside rectangle and four for inside small rectangle If one of the robots stay inside of the big rectangle we can to control its, but in another case works only keyboard control - we use it for came back of robots in there """ def __init__(self, robot_1, robot_2, config_file): self.read_marker_config(config_file) self.robot_1 = robot_1 self.robot_2 = robot_2 self.robot_pos_1 = None self.robot_pos_2 = None self.start_line = None self.checkpoint_line = None self.check_number_markers = False marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/marker_id_pos_angle", id_pos_angle, self.measurement_callback) self.debug_plot = False self.checkpoint_count = 0 self.finish_line_count = 0 self.checkpoint_count_2 = 0 self.finish_line_count_2 = 0 self.countdown = False self.countdown_2 = False self.time_start = False self.countdown_check = False self.robot_1_time = False self.print_robot_1_time = False self.print_robot_2_time = False self.count_down_start = 0 self.time_circle_robot_1 = 0 self.time_circle_robot_2 = 0 self.print_GO = False self.press_b_phrase = True self.robot_1_second_circle = None self.robot_1_first_circle = None self.robot_2_second_circle = None self.robot_2_first_circle = None self.final_time = None self.final_time_2 = None def read_marker_config(self, config_file): self.inside_markers = OrderedDict() self.outside_markers = OrderedDict() f = open(config_file, 'r') for l in f: if len(l) > 0 and l[0] != '#': ind = l.find(' ') first = int(l[0:ind]) second = int(l[ind:]) self.inside_markers[first] = None self.outside_markers[second] = None def measurement_callback(self, data): if in self.inside_markers.keys(): self.inside_markers[] = (data.x, data.y) if in self.outside_markers.keys(): self.outside_markers[] = (data.x, data.y) if == self.robot_pos_1 = (data.x, data.y) # print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.robot_pos_1)) elif == self.robot_pos_2 = (data.x, data.y) # print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.robot_pos_1)) def check_number_marker(self): self.check_number_markers = all(m is not None for m in self.outside_markers.values() + self.inside_markers.values() + [ self.robot_pos_1] + [self.robot_pos_2]) def debug_output(self, screen): (screenwidth, screenheight) = screen.get_size() inside = {k: v for k, v in self.inside_markers.iteritems() if v is not None} outside = {k: v for k, v in self.outside_markers.iteritems() if v is not None} markers = dict(inside, **outside) if self.robot_pos_1 is not None: markers[] = self.robot_pos_1 if self.robot_pos_2 is not None: markers[] = self.robot_pos_2 maxx = np.max([x for (x, y) in markers.values()]) minx = np.min([x for (x, y) in markers.values()]) maxy = np.max([y for (x, y) in markers.values()]) miny = np.min([y for (x, y) in markers.values()]) if len(outside) >= 3: outside_transformed = [((x - minx) / (maxx - minx) * screenwidth, (y - miny) / (maxy - miny) * screenheight) for (x, y) in outside.values()] pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (0, 255, 0), outside_transformed) if len(inside) >= 3: inside_transformed = [((x - minx) / (maxx - minx) * screenwidth, (y - miny) / (maxy - miny) * screenheight) for (x, y) in inside.values()] pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (255, 0, 0), inside_transformed) for k in markers: m = markers[k] centerx = int((m[0] - minx) / (maxx - minx) * screenwidth) centery = int((m[1] - miny) / (maxy - miny) * screenheight), (255, 255, 255), (centerx, centery), 10) marker_font = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 20) marker_font.render_to(screen, (centerx, centery), "{}".format(k), (0, 0, 255)) def polygon_rectangle(self): if self.check_number_markers: self.inside_track = Polygon(self.inside_markers.values()) self.outside_track = Polygon(self.outside_markers.values()) first_in = self.inside_markers.values()[0] first_out = self.outside_markers.values()[0] self.start_strength_line = Polygon([(first_in[0] - 0.08, first_in[1]), (first_out[0] - 0.08, first_out[1]), (first_out[0] + 0.08, first_out[1]), (first_in[0] + 0.08, first_in[1])]) n = len(self.inside_markers.keys()) / 2 middle_in = self.inside_markers.values()[n] middle_out = self.outside_markers.values()[n] self.checkpoint_strength_line = Polygon([(middle_in[0] - 0.08, middle_in[1]), (middle_out[0] - 0.08, middle_out[1]), (middle_out[0] + 0.08, middle_out[1]), (middle_in[0] + 0.08, middle_in[1])]) self.robot_pos_1_point = Point(self.robot_pos_1) self.robot_pos_2_point = Point(self.robot_pos_2) if self.debug_plot: x, y = (self.checkpoint_strength_line.exterior.xy) plt.plot(x, y) if self.outside_track.contains(self.robot_pos_1_point) and not \ self.inside_track.contains(self.robot_pos_1_point): self.robot_1.controlling_allowed = True else: # print("robot outside track") self.robot_1.controlling_allowed = False if self.outside_track.contains(self.robot_pos_2_point) and not \ self.inside_track.contains(self.robot_pos_2_point): self.robot_2.controlling_allowed = True else: # print("robot_2 outside track") self.robot_2.controlling_allowed = False else: print("couldn't find the all ARUCO markers") def check_starting_position(self, robot_1, robot_2): # when you pressing B robot must staying on the start line for beginning of race button_robot_1 = robot_1.joystick.get_button(1) button_robot_2 = robot_2.joystick.get_button(1) if button_robot_1: if self.start_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_1_point): print("MLS is on the start line") self.robot_1.controlling_allowed_2 = True self.countdown = True else: print("put the MLS on the start line") self.robot_1.controlling_allowed_2 = False if button_robot_2: if self.start_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_2_point): print("BMW X6 is on the start line") self.robot_2.controlling_allowed_2 = True self.countdown_2 = True else: print("put the BMW X6 on the start line") self.robot_2.controlling_allowed_2 = False def start_countdown(self): if self.countdown and self.countdown_2: self.count_down_start = time.time() self.time_start = True self.countdown_check = True self.press_b_phrase = False self.countdown = False def check_countdown(self): # if countdown reaches 0 -> allow control if self.countdown_check: if time.time() - self.count_down_start < 5: self.robot_1.controlling_allowed_2 = False self.robot_2.controlling_allowed_2 = False else: self.print_GO = True def print_countdown(self): # prints countdown to screen if self.time_start: countdown_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 80) ready_font = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 42) ready_font.render_to(screen, (170, 200), "ARE YOU READY?", (255, 160, 30)) output_string = "{: 6.2f}".format(time.time() - self.count_down_start) text = countdown_font.render(output_string, True, (0, 255, 0)) screen.blit(text, [260, 270]) def time_robot_1_2(self): if self.robot_1_time and time.time() - self.count_down_start < 7.1: self.time_circle_robot_1 = time.time() self.time_circle_robot_2 = time.time() self.print_robot_1_time = True self.print_robot_2_time = True def print_time_robot_1_2(self): if self.print_robot_1_time: time_robot_2_font_1 = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 42) time_robot_2_font_1.render_to(screen, (30, 20), "TIME MLS", (255, 0, 0)) time_robot_1_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 52) output_time_robot_1 = "{: 6.2f}".format(time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_1) text = time_robot_1_font.render(output_time_robot_1, True, (255, 0, 0)) screen.blit(text, [120, 90]) if not self.final_time is None: self.print_robot_1_time = False if self.print_robot_2_time: time_robot_2_font_2 = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 42) time_robot_2_font_2.render_to(screen, (380, 20), "TIME BMW X6", (150, 50, 255)) time_robot_2_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 52) output_time_robot_2 = "{: 6.2f}".format(time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_2) text = time_robot_2_font.render(output_time_robot_2, True, (150, 50, 255)) screen.blit(text, [470, 90]) if not self.final_time_2 is None: self.print_robot_2_time = False def print_result(self): if not self.final_time is None: final_time_robot_1_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) final_time_robot_1 = "FINAL TIME MLS {: 6.2f}".format(self.final_time) text = final_time_robot_1_font.render(final_time_robot_1, True, (0, 255, 0)) screen.blit(text, [30, 300]) if not self.robot_1_second_circle is None: second_circle_robot_1_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) second_circle_robot_1 = "SECOND CIRCLE {: 6.2f}".format(self.robot_1_second_circle) text = second_circle_robot_1_font.render(second_circle_robot_1, True, (255, 0, 0)) screen.blit(text, [30, 200]) if not self.robot_1_first_circle is None: first_circle_robot_1_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) first_circle_robot_1 = "FIRST CIRCLE {: 6.2f}".format(self.robot_1_first_circle) text = first_circle_robot_1_font.render(first_circle_robot_1, True, (255, 0, 0)) screen.blit(text, [30, 150]) if not self.final_time_2 is None: final_time_robot_2_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) final_time_robot_2 = "FINAL TIME BMW X6 {: 6.2f}".format(self.final_time_2) text = final_time_robot_2_font.render(final_time_robot_2, True, (0, 255, 0)) screen.blit(text, [380, 300]) if not self.robot_2_second_circle is None: second_circle_robot_2_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) second_circle_robot_2 = "SECOND CIRCLE {: 6.2f}".format(self.robot_2_second_circle) text = second_circle_robot_2_font.render(second_circle_robot_2, True, (150, 50, 255)) screen.blit(text, [380, 200]) if not self.robot_2_first_circle is None: first_circle_robot_2_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) first_circle_robot_2 = "FIRST CIRCLE {: 6.2f}".format(self.robot_2_first_circle) text = first_circle_robot_2_font.render(first_circle_robot_2, True, (150, 50, 255)) screen.blit(text, [380, 150]) def first_phrase(self): if self.press_b_phrase: robot_font_2 = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 30) robot_font_2.render_to(screen, (240, 240), "BOTH PLAYERS!", (255, 160, 30)) robot_font_2.render_to(screen, (30, 300), "PUT DOWN TWO ROBOTS ON THE START LINE", (255, 160, 30)) robot_font_2.render_to(screen, (110, 360), "AND PRESS 'B' FOR THE BEGINNING", (255, 160, 30)) if self.print_GO: if time.time() - self.count_down_start > 5 and time.time() - self.count_down_start < 7: print_go_font = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 152) print_go_font.render_to(screen, (230, 200), "GO!", (255, 160, 30)) self.time_start = False else: self.robot_1.controlling_allowed_2 = True self.robot_2.controlling_allowed_2 = True self.robot_1_time = True def checkpoint(self): if self.check_number_markers: if self.checkpoint_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_1_point): if self.finish_line_count == self.checkpoint_count: self.checkpoint_count += 1 print("Player 1 reached checkpoint, checkpoint count = {}".format(self.checkpoint_count)) if self.checkpoint_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_2_point): if self.finish_line_count_2 == self.checkpoint_count_2: self.checkpoint_count_2 += 1 print("Player 2 reached checkpoint, checkpoint count = {}".format(self.checkpoint_count_2)) def finish_line(self): if self.check_number_markers: if self.start_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_1_point): if self.finish_line_count < self.checkpoint_count: self.finish_line_count += 1 elif self.finish_line_count == self.checkpoint_count and self.finish_line_count == 3: if self.final_time is None: self.final_time = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_1 self.robot_1.controlling_allowed = False elif self.finish_line_count == self.checkpoint_count and self.finish_line_count == 2: if self.robot_1_second_circle is None: self.robot_1_second_circle = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_1 elif self.finish_line_count == self.checkpoint_count and self.finish_line_count == 1: if self.robot_1_first_circle is None: self.robot_1_first_circle = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_1 if self.start_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_2_point): if self.finish_line_count_2 < self.checkpoint_count_2: self.finish_line_count_2 += 1 print("Player 2 reached finish line, finish line count = {}".format(self.finish_line_count_2)) elif self.finish_line_count_2 == self.checkpoint_count_2 and self.finish_line_count_2 == 3: if self.final_time_2 is None: self.final_time_2 = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_2 self.robot_2.controlling_allowed = False self.player_2 = False elif self.finish_line_count_2 == self.checkpoint_count_2 and self.finish_line_count_2 == 2: if self.robot_2_second_circle is None: self.robot_2_second_circle = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_2 elif self.finish_line_count_2 == self.checkpoint_count_2 and self.finish_line_count_2 == 1: if self.robot_2_first_circle is None: self.robot_2_first_circle = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_2 class robot: # we have 4 arg for this class, because joysticks get the same (value, axis) events def __init__(self, joy, ip, port, id): = joy self.ip = ip self.port = port self.robot_stopped = True self.rc_socket = socket.socket() = id self.update_control = False self.controlling_allowed = True self.controlling_allowed_2 = False self.u1 = 0 self.u2 = 0 try: self.rc_socket.connect((self.ip, self.port)) print("connection established to robot with ip {}".format(ip)) except socket.error: print("error: could not connect to robot with ip {}".format(ip)) sys.exit(1) self.check_joystick = False def joystick_init(self): # Joystick's initialisation joystick_count = pygame.joystick.get_count() for count in range(joystick_count): if joystick_count == 2: self.joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick( print("{}-->joystick count".format(joystick_count)) self.joystick.init() self.check_joystick = True elif joystick_count == 1: joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) joystick.init() print("connected only 1 joystick - {}".format(joystick)) self.check_joystick = False elif not joystick_count: print("no joysticks connected") self.check_joystick = False def check_control(self): if not self.controlling_allowed: if self.robot_stopped: pass # print("check control -> already stopped") else: self.u1 = self.u2 = 0 self.robot_stopped = True self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode()) print("check control -> stop") def control_alt(self): if self.controlling_allowed and self.controlling_allowed_2: ax1 = self.joystick.get_axis(1) * 0.75 ax2 = self.joystick.get_axis(2) * 0.75 ax3 = self.joystick.get_axis(3) * 0.75 ax5 = self.joystick.get_axis(5) * 0.75 u1_old = deepcopy(self.u1) u2_old = deepcopy(self.u2) threshold = 0.2 if abs(ax1) < threshold and ax2 < threshold and abs( ax3) < threshold and ax5 < threshold and not self.robot_stopped: self.robot_stopped = True # print("all axis in neutral -> stopping") self.u1 = self.u2 = 0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) else: self.robot_stopped = False if abs(ax1) > threshold and abs(ax3) > threshold: self.u1 = (-ax1 + ax3) / 2.0 self.u2 = (-ax1 - ax3) / 2.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif abs(ax1) > threshold: self.u1 = self.u2 = -ax1 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif abs(ax3) > threshold: self.u1 = ax3 self.u2 = -ax3 elif ax2 > threshold: self.u1 = ax2 self.u2 = ax2 * 0.75 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif ax5 > threshold: self.u1 = ax5 * 0.75 self.u2 = ax5 if u1_old != self.u1 or u2_old != self.u2: # print("update_control = True") self.update_control = True def send_control(self): if self.update_control: # print("sending..({},{})\n".format(self.u1, self.u2)) self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode()) def control_keyboard(self, event): # keyboard control for robot1 u1_old = deepcopy(self.u1) u2_old = deepcopy(self.u2) if pressed[pygame.K_LEFT]: self.u1 = -1.0 self.u2 = 1.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT]: self.u1 = 1.0 self.u2 = -1.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif pressed[pygame.K_UP]: self.u1 = 1.0 self.u2 = 1.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif pressed[pygame.K_DOWN]: self.u1 = -1.0 self.u2 = -1.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: self.u1 = 0.0 self.u2 = 0.0 # selfd.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode()) if u1_old != self.u1 or u2_old != self.u2: print("update_control = True") self.update_control = True def control_keyboard_2(self, event): # keyboard control for robot2 u1_old = deepcopy(self.u1) u2_old = deepcopy(self.u2) if pressed[pygame.K_a]: self.u1 = -1.0 self.u2 = 1.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif pressed[pygame.K_d]: self.u1 = 1.0 self.u2 = -1.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif pressed[pygame.K_w]: self.u1 = 1.0 self.u2 = 1.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif pressed[pygame.K_s]: self.u1 = -1.0 self.u2 = -1.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode()) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: self.u1 = 0.0 self.u2 = 0.0 # self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode()) if u1_old != self.u1 or u2_old != self.u2: print("update_control = True") self.update_control = True def main(): marker_config = 'track.cfg' global screen pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((720, 480)) rospy.init_node('game_node', anonymous=True) robot_1 = robot(0, '', 1234, id=14) robot_1.joystick_init() robot_2 = robot(1, '', 1234, id=11) robot_2.joystick_init() robot_track = race_track(robot_1, robot_2, marker_config) time.sleep(1.0) while True: screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) robot_track.check_number_marker() robot_track.debug_output(screen) robot_track.polygon_rectangle() robot_track.checkpoint() robot_track.finish_line() robot_1.check_control() robot_2.check_control() robot_track.check_countdown() events = pygame.event.get() global pressed pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() robot_1.update_control = False robot_2.update_control = False input_1_recorded = False input_2_recorded = False for event in events: if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: robot_track.check_starting_position(robot_1, robot_2) robot_track.start_countdown() if event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: if == robot_2.control_alt() input_2_recorded = True if == robot_1.control_alt() input_1_recorded = True else: robot_1.control_keyboard(event) robot_2.control_keyboard_2(event) input_1_recorded = True input_2_recorded = True if input_2_recorded: robot_2.send_control() if input_1_recorded: robot_1.send_control() robot_track.time_robot_1_2() robot_track.print_countdown() robot_track.print_time_robot_1_2() robot_track.first_phrase() robot_track.print_result() pygame.display.flip() if __name__ == '__main__': main()