# Robot ![Finished robot](https://imaginaerraum.de/git/Telos4/RoboRally/raw/branch/master/docs/images/finished_robot_2.jpeg) This project aims to provide a low-cost framework for automatic control experiments with small two-wheeled robots. It consists of a list of components, step-by-step assembly instructions and the necessary software for getting started with robot control. For a demonstration video of what is possible with these robots see here: IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE The project aims to be as affordable as possible. The total cost for a single robot is about 30 € or 35 $. This means you can easily build several of them e.g. for doing swarm robotics or cooperative robot experiments. ### Getting started ### For assembly instructions for the robots see the files int the docs/ subfolder of the repository. The first one is [1_ASSEMBLY.md](https://imaginaerraum.de/git/Telos4/RoboRally/src/branch/master/docs/1_ASSEMBLY.md) which explains what components to get and how to assemble them into a robot.