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\draw (-1, -3) node (TL) {}; \draw (1, -3) node (TR) {}; \draw ($(TL)!0.5!(TR)$) node (INT1) {}; \draw (-1, -5) node (BL) {}; \draw (1, -5) node (BR) {}; \draw ($(BL)!0.5!(BR)$) node (INT2) {}; \draw (0, -6) node[ground](GND) {}; \draw ($(TL)!0.5!(BL)$) node[pushbuttonshape,rotate=90](P1) {}; \draw ([xshift=-0.3cm]P1) node[] (A) {}; \draw ($(TR)!0.5!(BR)$) node[emptylediodeshape, rotate=-90](B) {}; \draw (VCC) to[R] (INT1.center); \draw (INT1.center) -- (TL.center); \draw (INT1.center) -- (TR.center); \draw (TL.center) -- (P1) (P1) -- (BL.center); \draw (TR.center) -- (B) -- (BR.center); \draw (BR.center) -- (INT2.center); \draw (BL.center) -- (INT2.center); \draw (INT2.center) -- (GND); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B.south) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \only<2>{ \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[vcc](VCC){5 V}; \draw (-1, -3) node (TL) {}; \draw (1, -3) node (TR) {}; \draw ($(TL)!0.5!(TR)$) node (INT1) {}; \draw (-1, -5) node (BL) {}; \draw (1, -5) node (BR) {}; \draw ($(BL)!0.5!(BR)$) node (INT2) {}; \draw (0, -6) node[ground](GND) {}; \draw ($(TL)!0.5!(BL)$) node[npn](P1) {}; \draw ([xshift=-3cm]P1) node[] (A) {}; \draw ($(TR)!0.5!(BR)$) node[emptylediodeshape, rotate=-90](B) {}; \draw (VCC) to[R] (INT1.center); \draw (INT1.center) -- (TL.center); \draw (INT1.center) -- (TR.center); \draw (TL.center) -- (P1.C) (P1.E) -- (BL.center); \draw (TR.center) -- (B) -- (BR.center); \draw (BR.center) -- (INT2.center); \draw (BL.center) -- (INT2.center); \draw (INT2.center) -- (GND); \draw (A) to[R,o-] (P1.B); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B.south) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \only<3->{ \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[vcc](VCC){5 V}; \draw (-1, -3) node (TL) {}; \draw (1, -3) node (TR) {}; \draw ($(TL)!0.5!(TR)$) node (INT1) {}; \draw (-1, -5) node (BL) {}; \draw (1, -5) node (BR) {}; \draw ($(BL)!0.5!(BR)$) node (INT2) {}; \draw (0, -6) node[ground](GND) {}; \draw ($(INT1)!0.5!(INT2)$) node[npn](P1) {}; \draw ([xshift=-3cm]P1) node[] (A) {}; \draw (VCC) to[R] (INT1.center); \draw (INT1.center) to[short,-o] (TR.center); \draw (INT1.center) -- (P1.C); \draw (P1.E) -- (INT2.center); \draw (INT2.center) -- (GND); \draw (A) to[R,o-] (P1.B); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[right] at (TR.center) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{c|c} A & Y\\ \hline 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{tabular}\\[1cm] \onslide<3>{ {Symbol}:\\ \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[not port] (NOT) {}; \draw (NOT.in) ++ (-1,0) node (A) {}; \draw (NOT.out) ++ (1,0) node (Y) {}; \draw (NOT.in) to[short,-o] (A); \draw (NOT.out) to[short,-o] (Y); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[right] at (Y) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{minipage} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{AND gate} \begin{overlayarea}{\textwidth}{\textheight} \begin{minipage}{0.6\textwidth} \only<1>{ \hspace{2.5cm} \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[vcc](VCC){5 V}; \draw (0,-1) node[pushbuttonshape,rotate=90](A) {\textbf{A}}; \draw (0,-2.5) node[pushbuttonshape,rotate=90](B) {\textbf{B}}; \draw (0,-4.5) node[](Y) {}; \draw (0, -6) node[ground](GND) {}; \draw (VCC) -- (A.east) (A.west) -- (B.east) (B.west) to[empty led,name=OUT] (Y) to[R] (GND); \node[left] at (OUT.south) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \only<2>{ \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[vcc](VCC){5 V}; \draw (-3, -1) node (A) {}; \draw (-3, -2.5) node (B) {}; \draw (0,-1) node[npn](P1) {}; \draw (0,-2.5) node[npn](P2) {}; \draw (0, -6) node[ground](GND) {}; \draw (A) to[R,o-] (P1.B); \draw (B) to[R,o-] (P2.B); \draw (VCC) -- (P1.C) (P1.E) -- (P2.C) (P2.E) to[empty led, name=OUT] (0,-4.5) to[R] (GND); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (OUT.nw) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \only<3->{ \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[vcc](VCC){5 V}; \draw (-3, -1) node (A) {}; \draw (-3, -2.5) node (B) {}; \draw (1, -4) node (Y) {}; \draw (0,-1) node[npn](P1) {}; \draw (0,-2.5) node[npn](P2) {}; \draw (0, -6) node[ground](GND) {}; \draw (A) to[R,o-] (P1.B); \draw (B) to[R,o-] (P2.B); \draw (VCC) -- (P1.C) (P1.E) -- (P2.C) (P2.E) -- (0,-4.5) to[R] (GND); \draw (0,-4) to[short,-o] (Y); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (Y) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{cc|c} A & B & Y\\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular}\\[1cm] \onslide<4>{ {Symbol}:\\ \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[and port] (AND) {}; \draw (AND.in 1) ++ (-1,0) node (A) {}; \draw (AND.in 2) ++ (-1,0) node (B) {}; \draw (AND.out) ++ (1,0) node (Y) {}; \draw (AND.in 1) to[short,-o] (A); \draw (AND.in 2) to[short,-o] (B); \draw (AND.out) to[short,-o] (Y); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (Y) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{minipage} \end{overlayarea} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{OR gate} \begin{overlayarea}{\textwidth}{\textheight} \begin{minipage}{0.6\textwidth} \only<1>{ \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[vcc](VCC){5 V}; \draw (0, -6) node[ground](GND) {}; \draw (-1, -1.0) node (TL) {}; \draw (1, -1.0) node (TR) {}; \draw ($(TL)!0.5!(TR)$) node (INT1) {}; \draw (-1, -3.5) node (BL) {}; \draw (1, -3.5) node (BR) {}; \draw ($(BL)!0.5!(BR)$) node (INT2) {}; \node (Y) at ($(INT2)!0.5!(GND)$) {}; \draw ($(TL)!0.3!(BL)$) node[npn](P1) {}; \draw ([xshift=-3cm]P1) node[] (A) {}; \draw ($(TR)!0.7!(BR)$) node[npn](P2) {}; \draw ([xshift=-5cm]P2) node (B) {}; \draw (VCC) -- (INT1.center); \draw (INT1.center) -- (TL.center); \draw (INT1.center) -- (TR.center); \draw (TL.center) -- (P1.C) (P1.E) -- (BL.center); \draw (TR.center) -- (P2.C) (P2.E) -- (BR.center); \draw (BR.center) -- (INT2.center); \draw (BL.center) -- (INT2.center); \draw (INT2.center) to[empty led, name=OUT] (Y) to [R] (GND); \draw (A) to[R,o-] (P1.B); \draw (B) to[R,o-] (P2.B); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[left] at (OUT.south) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \only<2->{ \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[vcc](VCC){5 V}; \draw (0, -6) node[ground](GND) {}; \draw (-1, -1.0) node (TL) {}; \draw (1, -1.0) node (TR) {}; \draw ($(TL)!0.5!(TR)$) node (INT1) {}; \draw (-1, -3.5) node (BL) {}; \draw (1, -3.5) node (BR) {}; \draw ($(BL)!0.5!(BR)$) node (INT2) {}; \node (Y) at ($(INT2)!0.5!(GND)$) {}; \draw (Y.north) ++ (1,0) node (OUT) {}; \draw ($(TL)!0.3!(BL)$) node[npn](P1) {}; \draw ([xshift=-3cm]P1) node[] (A) {}; \draw ($(TR)!0.7!(BR)$) node[npn](P2) {}; \draw ([xshift=-5cm]P2) node (B) {}; \draw (VCC) -- (INT1.center); \draw (INT1.center) -- (TL.center); \draw (INT1.center) -- (TR.center); \draw (TL.center) -- (P1.C) (P1.E) -- (BL.center); \draw (TR.center) -- (P2.C) (P2.E) -- (BR.center); \draw (BR.center) -- (INT2.center); \draw (BL.center) -- (INT2.center); \draw (INT2.center) -- (Y.center) to [R] (GND); \draw (A) to[R,o-] (P1.B); \draw (B) to[R,o-] (P2.B); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \draw (Y.north) to[short,-o] (OUT); \node[right] at (OUT) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{cc|c} A & B & Y\\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{tabular} \\[1cm] \onslide<3>{{Symbol}:\\ \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[or port] (OR) {}; \draw (OR.in 1) ++ (-1,0) node (A) {}; \draw (OR.in 2) ++ (-1,0) node (B) {}; \draw (OR.out) ++ (1,0) node (Y) {}; \draw (OR.in 1) to[short,-o] (A); \draw (OR.in 2) to[short,-o] (B); \draw (OR.out) to[short,-o] (Y); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (Y) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{minipage}% \end{overlayarea} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{NAND gate} \begin{overlayarea}{\textwidth}{\textheight} \begin{minipage}{0.6\textwidth} \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[vcc](VCC){5 V}; \draw (-3, -3) node (A) {}; \draw (-3, -4.5) node (B) {}; \draw (2, -1.75) node (Y) {}; \draw (0,-3) node[npn](P1) {}; \draw (0,-4.5) node[npn](P2) {}; \draw (0, -5.5) node[ground](GND) {}; \draw (A) to[R,o-] (P1.B); \draw (B) to[R,o-] (P2.B); \draw (VCC) to[R] (0,-1.75) -- (P1.C) (P1.E) -- (P2.C) (P2.E) -- (GND); \draw (0,-1.75) to[short,-o] (Y); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (Y) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{cc|c} A & B & Y\\ \hline 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular}\\[1cm] {Symbol}: \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[nand port] (AND) {}; \draw (AND.in 1) ++ (-1,0) node (A) {}; \draw (AND.in 2) ++ (-1,0) node (B) {}; \draw (AND.out) ++ (1,0) node (Y) {}; \draw (AND.in 1) to[short,-o] (A); \draw (AND.in 2) to[short,-o] (B); \draw (AND.out) to[short,-o] (Y); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (Y) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} \end{minipage} \end{overlayarea} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Building some gates with other gates} \textbf{XOR gate}\\ \begin{minipage}{0.6\textwidth} \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[or port] (OR) {{\hspace*{-0.25cm}\tiny OR}}; \draw (0,2) node[nand port] (NAND) {{\hspace*{-0.5cm}\tiny NAND}}; \draw (2, 1) node[and port] (AND) {{\hspace*{-0.5cm}\tiny AND}}; \draw (OR.in 1) ++ (-1,0) node (A) {}; \draw (OR.in 2) ++ (-1,0) node (B) {}; \draw (AND.out) ++ (0.5,0) node (Y) {}; \draw (A) to[short, o-] (OR.in 1); \draw (B) to[short, o-] (OR.in 2); \draw (OR.in 1) ++ (-0.5,0) to[short,*-] ([xshift=-0.5cm]NAND.in 1) -- (NAND.in 1); \draw (OR.in 2) ++ (-0.3,0) to[short,*-] ([xshift=-0.3cm]NAND.in 2) -- (NAND.in 2); \draw (NAND.out) |- (AND.in 1); \draw (OR.out) |- (AND.in 2); \draw (AND.out) to[short,-o] (Y); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (Y) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} \onslide<2->{ \\Alternatively using only \textbf{NAND} gates: \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[nand port] (NAND1) {{\hspace*{-0.5cm}\tiny NAND}}; \draw (2,1) node[nand port] (NAND2) {{\hspace*{-0.5cm}\tiny NAND}}; \draw (2,-1) node[nand port] (NAND3) {{\hspace*{-0.5cm}\tiny NAND}}; \draw (4,0) node[nand port] (NAND4) {{\hspace*{-0.5cm}\tiny NAND}}; \draw (NAND2.in 1) ++ (-2.5,0) node (A) {}; \draw (NAND3.in 2) ++ (-2.5,0) node (B) {}; \draw (NAND4.out) ++ (0.5,0) node (Y) {}; \draw (A) to[short, o-] (NAND2.in 1); \draw (B) to[short, o-] (NAND3.in 2); \draw (A) ++ (0.5,0) to[short,*-] (NAND1.in 1); \draw (B) ++ (0.5,0) to[short,*-] (NAND1.in 2); \draw (NAND1.out) |- (NAND2.in 2); \draw (NAND1.out) |- (NAND3.in 1); \draw (NAND2.out) |- (NAND4.in 1); \draw (NAND3.out) |- (NAND4.in 2); \draw (NAND4.out) to[short,-o] (Y); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (Y) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{cc|c} A & B & Y\\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{tabular}\\[3cm] \onslide<3>{ {Symbol}: \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[xor port] (AND) {}; \draw (AND.in 1) ++ (-1,0) node (A) {}; \draw (AND.in 2) ++ (-1,0) node (B) {}; \draw (AND.out) ++ (1,0) node (Y) {}; \draw (AND.in 1) to[short,-o] (A); \draw (AND.in 2) to[short,-o] (B); \draw (AND.out) to[short,-o] (Y); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (Y) {\textbf{Y}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{minipage} \end{frame} \section{Binary addition} \begin{frame}{Binary addition} \begin{itemize} \item Adding two 1-bit numbers:\\ \begin{minipage}{0.25\textwidth} \only<1-2>{ \begin{tabular}{cc|cc} A & B & Y &\\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 &\\ 1 & 0 & 1 &\\ 0 & 1 & 1 &\\ 1 & 1 & 10 & \end{tabular} } \only<3->{ \begin{tabular}{cc|cc} A & B & C & S\\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \end{tabular} } \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{0.7\textwidth} $\;$ \onslide<2->{ \\[1.5cm]$\leftarrow$ 2 bit output: \textbf{CARRY} and \textbf{SUM} } \end{minipage} \item<4> Can be implemented with one AND gate and one XOR gate: \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[xor port] (XOR) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny XOR}}; \draw (0, -1.5) node[and port] (AND) {{\hspace*{-0.5cm}\tiny AND}}; \draw (XOR.in 1) ++ (-1,0) node (A) {}; \draw (XOR.in 2) ++ (-1,0) node (B) {}; \draw (XOR.out) ++ (0.5,0) node (SUM) {}; \draw (AND.out) ++ (0.5,0) node (CARRY) {}; \draw (A) to[short, o-] (XOR.in 1); \draw (B) to[short, o-] (XOR.in 2); \draw (OR.in 1) ++ (-0.5,0) to[short,*-] ([xshift=-0.5cm]AND.in 1) -- (AND.in 1); \draw (OR.in 2) ++ (-0.3,0) to[short,*-] ([xshift=-0.3cm]AND.in 2) -- (AND.in 2); \draw (XOR.out) to[short,-o] (SUM); \draw (AND.out) to[short,-o] (CARRY); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (SUM) {\textbf{SUM}}; \node[right] at (CARRY) {\textbf{CARRY}}; \end{circuitikz} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Full Adder} \begin{overlayarea}{\textwidth}{\textheight} If we want to add N-bit numbers we have to account for the carry bit of lower-valued digits\\ \begin{minipage}{0.35\textwidth} {\small \begin{tabular}{ccc|cc} \textbf{A} & \textbf{B} & \textbf{C}$_{in}$ & \textbf{C}$_{out}$ & \textbf{S} \\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ \end{tabular} } \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{0.7\textwidth} \only<2->{ \begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.75] \draw (0,0) node[xor port] (XOR1) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny XOR}}; \draw (2.5,-1) node[xor port] (XOR2) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny XOR}}; \draw (4.75,-3.5) node[xor port] (XOR3) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny XOR}}; \draw (2.5, -2.75) node[and port] (AND1) {{\hspace*{-0.5cm}\tiny AND}}; \draw (2.5, -4.5) node[and port] (AND2) {{\hspace*{-0.5cm}\tiny AND}}; \draw (XOR1.in 1) ++ (-0.75,0) node (A) {}; \draw (XOR1.in 2) ++ (-0.75,0) node (B) {}; \draw (XOR2.out) ++ (2.5,0) node (SUM) {}; \draw (XOR2.in 2) ++ (-3.25,0) node (CARRYIN) {}; \draw (XOR3.out) ++ (0.25,0) node (CARRYOUT) {}; \draw (A) to[short,o-] (XOR1.in 1); \draw (B) to[short,o-] (XOR1.in 2); \draw (CARRYIN) to[short, o-] (XOR2.in 2); \draw (A) ++ (0.75,0) to[short,*-] ([xshift=-2.5cm]AND2.in 1) -- (AND2.in 1); \draw (B) ++ (0.5,0) to[short,*-] ([xshift=-2.75cm]AND2.in 2) -- (AND2.in 2); \draw (XOR1.out) |- (XOR2.in 1); \draw (XOR2.in 1) ++ (-0.25, 0) to[short,*-] ([xshift=-0.25cm]AND1.in 1) --(AND1.in 1); \draw (XOR2.in 2) ++ (-0.75, 0) to[short,*-] ([xshift=-0.75cm]AND1.in 2) --(AND1.in 2); \draw (AND1.out) |- (XOR3.in 1); \draw (AND2.out) |- (XOR3.in 2); \draw (XOR2.out) to[short,-o] (SUM); \draw (XOR3.out) to[short,-o] (CARRYOUT); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[left] at (CARRYIN) {\textbf{C$_{IN}$}}; \node[right] at (SUM) {\textbf{SUM}}; \node[right] at (CARRYOUT) {\textbf{C$_{OUT}$}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{minipage} \onslide<3>{ {Symbol for full adder}: \\ \hspace{4cm} \begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.15] \ctikzset{chips/scale=0.75} \draw (0,0) node[dipchip, num pins=6, hide numbers, no topmark, external pins width=0, align=left, rotate=-90] (FULLADDER) {\rotatebox{90}{{\tiny 1 bit adder}}}; \draw (FULLADDER.bpin 3) ++ (0,2) node (A) {}; \draw (FULLADDER.bpin 1) ++ (0,2) node (B) {}; \draw (FULLADDER.bpin 5) ++ (0,-2) node (SUM) {}; \draw (FULLADDER.n) ++ (2,0) node (CARRYIN) {}; \draw (FULLADDER.s) ++ (-2,0) node (CARRYOUT) {}; \draw (A) to[short, o-] (FULLADDER.bpin 3); \draw (B) to[short, o-] (FULLADDER.bpin 1); \draw (CARRYIN) to[short, o-] (FULLADDER.n); \draw (SUM) to[short, o-] (FULLADDER.bpin 5); \draw (CARRYOUT) to[short, o-] (FULLADDER.s); \node[left] at (A) {\textbf{A}}; \node[left] at (B) {\textbf{B}}; \node[right] at (CARRYIN) {\textbf{C$_{IN}$}}; \node[right] at (SUM) {\textbf{S}}; \node[left] at (CARRYOUT) {\textbf{C$_{OUT}$}}; \end{circuitikz} } \end{overlayarea} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Building a N-bit adder} \begin{itemize} \item Adding two N-bit binary numbers:\\ \begin{tabular}{rccccc} \textbf{A}: & & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \textbf{B}: & & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \textbf{CARRY}: & \onslide<9->{1} & \onslide<7->{1} & \onslide<5->{1} & \onslide<3->{0} & 0 \\ \hline \textbf{SUM}: & \onslide<10->{1} & \onslide<8->{1} & \onslide<6->{0} & \onslide<4->{0} & \onslide<2->{1} \end{tabular} \item<11-> 4 bit \textbf{ripple carry adder}:\\[0.2cm] \begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.9] \ctikzset{chips/scale=0.65} % adder 0 \draw (0,0) node[dipchip, num pins=6, hide numbers, no topmark, external pins width=0, align=left, rotate=-90] (FA0) {\rotatebox{90}{{\tiny 1 bit adder}}}; \draw (FA0.bpin 3) ++ (0,1) node (A0) {}; \draw (FA0.bpin 1) ++ (0,1) node (B0) {}; \draw (FA0.bpin 5) ++ (0,-1) node (S0) {}; \draw (A0) to[short, o-] (FA0.bpin 3); \draw (B0) to[short, o-] (FA0.bpin 1); \draw (S0) to[short, o-] (FA0.bpin 5); \node[left] at (A0) {\textbf{A0}}; \node[left] at (B0) {\textbf{B0}}; \node[right] at (S0) {\textbf{S0}}; \node[above right] at (FA0.n) {{\tiny \textbf{C}$_{IN}$}}; \node[above left] at (FA0.s) {{\tiny \textbf{C}$_{OUT}$}}; % adder 1 \draw (-3,0) node[dipchip, num pins=6, hide numbers, no topmark, external pins width=0, align=left, rotate=-90] (FA1) {\rotatebox{90}{{\tiny 1 bit adder}}}; \draw (FA1.bpin 3) ++ (0,1) node (A1) {}; \draw (FA1.bpin 1) ++ (0,1) node (B1) {}; \draw (FA1.bpin 5) ++ (0,-1) node (S1) {}; \draw (A1) to[short, o-] (FA1.bpin 3); \draw (B1) to[short, o-] (FA1.bpin 1); \draw (S1) to[short, o-] (FA1.bpin 5); \node[left] at (A1) {\textbf{A1}}; \node[left] at (B1) {\textbf{B1}}; \node[right] at (S1) {\textbf{S1}}; \node[above right] at (FA1.n) {{\tiny \textbf{C}$_{IN}$}}; \node[above left] at (FA1.s) {{\tiny \textbf{C}$_{OUT}$}}; % adder 2 \draw (-6,0) node[dipchip, num pins=6, hide numbers, no topmark, external pins width=0, align=left, rotate=-90] (FA2) {\rotatebox{90}{{\tiny 1 bit adder}}}; \draw (FA2.bpin 3) ++ (0,1) node (A2) {}; \draw (FA2.bpin 1) ++ (0,1) node (B2) {}; \draw (FA2.bpin 5) ++ (0,-1) node (S2) {}; \draw (A2) to[short, o-] (FA2.bpin 3); \draw (B2) to[short, o-] (FA2.bpin 1); \draw (S2) to[short, o-] (FA2.bpin 5); \node[left] at (A2) {\textbf{A2}}; \node[left] at (B2) {\textbf{B2}}; \node[right] at (S2) {\textbf{S2}}; \node[above right] at (FA2.n) {{\tiny \textbf{C}$_{IN}$}}; \node[above left] at (FA2.s) {{\tiny \textbf{C}$_{OUT}$}}; % adder 3 \draw (-9,0) node[dipchip, num pins=6, hide numbers, no topmark, external pins width=0, align=left, rotate=-90] (FA3) {\rotatebox{90}{{\tiny 1 bit adder}}}; \draw (FA3.bpin 3) ++ (0,1) node (A3) {}; \draw (FA3.bpin 1) ++ (0,1) node (B3) {}; \draw (FA3.bpin 5) ++ (0,-1) node (S3) {}; \draw (A3) to[short, o-] (FA3.bpin 3); \draw (B3) to[short, o-] (FA3.bpin 1); \draw (S3) to[short, o-] (FA3.bpin 5); \node[left] at (A3) {\textbf{A3}}; \node[left] at (B3) {\textbf{B3}}; \node[right] at (S3) {\textbf{S3}}; \node[above right] at (FA3.n) {{\tiny \textbf{C}$_{IN}$}}; \node[above left] at (FA3.s) {{\tiny \textbf{C}$_{OUT}$}}; % connection between adders \draw (FA0) ++ (1, -1) node[ground] (GND) {}; \draw (GND) |- (FA0.n); \draw (FA0.s) -- (FA1.n); \draw (FA1.s) -- (FA2.n); \draw (FA2.s) -- (FA3.n); \draw (FA3.s) ++ (-0.5,0) to[short, o-] (FA3.s); \end{circuitikz} \item<12-> Note: propagation delay of full adders \end{itemize} \end{frame} \section{Memory} \begin{frame}{S-R latch} \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[nor port] (NOR1) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny NOR}}; \draw (0,-3) node[nor port] (NOR2) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny NOR}}; \draw (NOR1.in 1) ++ (-1, 0) node (R) {}; \draw (NOR2.in 2) ++ (-1, 0) node (S) {}; \draw (NOR1.out) ++ (1, 0) node (Q) {}; \draw (NOR2.out) ++ (1, 0) node (Qbar) {}; \draw (NOR1.out) ++ (0.0, -0.5) node (P1) {}; \draw (NOR2.in 1) ++ (-0.5, 0.5) node (P2) {}; \draw (NOR1.out) |- (P1.center) -- (P2.center) |- (NOR2.in 1); \draw (NOR2.out) ++ (0.0, 0.5) node (P3) {}; \draw (NOR1.in 2) ++ (-0.5, -0.5) node (P4) {}; \draw (NOR2.out) |- (P3.center) -- (P4.center) |- (NOR1.in 2); \draw (R) to[short, o-] (NOR1.in 1); \draw (S) to[short, o-] (NOR2.in 2); \draw (Q) to[short, o-] (NOR1.out); \draw (Qbar) to[short, o-] (NOR2.out); \node[left] at (R) {\textbf{R}}; \node[left] at (S) {\textbf{S}}; \node[right] at (Q) {\textbf{Q}}; \node[right] at (Qbar) { $\overline{\mbox{\textbf{Q}}}$}; \end{circuitikz} \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}{0.25\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{cc|ccl} \textbf{S} & \textbf{R} & \textbf{Q} & $\overline{\mbox{\textbf{Q}}}$ &\\ \hline 0 & 0 & & &LATCHED \\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 &\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 &\\ 1 & 1 & & &UNDEFINED \end{tabular} \end{minipage}% \begin{itemize} \item Can be used to store 1 bit of information \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Gated latch} \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[nor port] (NOR1) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny NOR}}; \draw (0,-3) node[nor port] (NOR2) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny NOR}}; \draw (NOR1.in 1) ++ (-1, 0) node[and port] (AND1) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny AND}}; \draw (NOR2.in 2) ++ (-1, 0) node[and port] (AND2) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny AND}}; \draw (AND1.in 1) ++ (-1, 0) node (R) {}; \draw (AND2.in 2) ++ (-1, 0) node (S) {}; \draw ($(R)!0.5!(S)$) node (EN) {}; \draw (NOR1.out) ++ (1, 0) node (Q) {}; \draw (NOR2.out) ++ (1, 0) node (Qbar) {}; \draw (NOR1.out) ++ (0.0, -0.5) node (P1) {}; \draw (NOR2.in 1) ++ (-0.5, 0.5) node (P2) {}; \draw (NOR1.out) |- (P1.center) -- (P2.center) |- (NOR2.in 1); \draw (NOR2.out) ++ (0.0, 0.5) node (P3) {}; \draw (NOR1.in 2) ++ (-0.5, -0.5) node (P4) {}; \draw (NOR2.out) |- (P3.center) -- (P4.center) |- (NOR1.in 2); \draw (EN) ++ (0.5, 0) node (P5) {}; \draw (EN) to[short, o-*] (P5.center); \draw (P5.center) |- (AND1.in 2); \draw (P5.center) |- (AND2.in 1); \draw (R) to[short, o-] (AND1.in 1); \draw (S) to[short, o-] (AND2.in 2); \draw (Q) to[short, o-] (NOR1.out); \draw (Qbar) to[short, o-] (NOR2.out); \draw (AND1.out) -- (NOR1.in 1); \draw (AND2.out) -- (NOR2.in 2); \node[left] at (R) {\textbf{R}}; \node[left] at (S) {\textbf{S}}; \node[left] at (EN) {\textbf{EN}}; \node[right] at (Q) {\textbf{Q}}; \node[right] at (Qbar) { $\overline{\mbox{\textbf{Q}}}$}; \end{circuitikz} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{D latch} \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,0) node[nor port] (NOR1) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny NOR}}; \draw (0,-3) node[nor port] (NOR2) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny NOR}}; \draw (NOR1.in 1) ++ (-1, 0) node[and port] (AND1) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny AND}}; \draw (NOR2.in 2) ++ (-1, 0) node[and port] (AND2) {{\hspace*{-0.0cm}\tiny AND}}; \draw (AND1.in 1) ++ (-1, 0) node[not port] (NOT) {{\hspace*{-0.4cm}\tiny NOT}}; \draw (NOT.in) ++ (-1, 0) node (D) {}; \draw (D) ++ (0, -2) node (EN) {}; \draw (NOR1.out) ++ (1, 0) node (Q) {}; \draw (NOR2.out) ++ (1, 0) node (Qbar) {}; \draw (NOR1.out) ++ (0.0, -0.5) node (P1) {}; \draw (NOR2.in 1) ++ (-0.5, 0.5) node (P2) {}; \draw (NOR1.out) |- (P1.center) -- (P2.center) |- (NOR2.in 1); \draw (NOR2.out) ++ (0.0, 0.5) node (P3) {}; \draw (NOR1.in 2) ++ (-0.5, -0.5) node (P4) {}; \draw (NOR2.out) |- (P3.center) -- (P4.center) |- (NOR1.in 2); \draw (NOT.out) -- (AND1.in 1); \draw (EN) ++ (2.5, 0) node (P5) {}; \draw (EN) to[short, o-*] (P5.center); \draw (P5.center) |- (AND1.in 2); \draw (P5.center) |- (AND2.in 1); \draw (D) to[short, o-] (NOT.in); \draw (D) ++ (0.5,0) node (P6) {}; \draw (P6) to[short, *-] ([yshift=-1cm]P6); \draw ([yshift=-1cm]P6) |- (AND2.in 2); \draw (Q) to[short, o-] (NOR1.out); \draw (Qbar) to[short, o-] (NOR2.out); \draw (AND1.out) -- (NOR1.in 1); \draw (AND2.out) -- (NOR2.in 2); \node[left] at (D) {\textbf{D}}; \node[left] at (EN) {\textbf{EN}}; \node[right] at (Q) {\textbf{Q}}; \node[right] at (Qbar) { $\overline{\mbox{\textbf{Q}}}$}; \end{circuitikz} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Building a N-bit shift register} content... \end{frame} \end{document}