How large are p and q? Well, they can't both be larger than the square root of n, or they'd be larger than n when multiplied together.
Start Python in interactive mode. On a Mac or Linux box, you can do that by typing this command into a Terminal window:
Execute these commands:
import math
n = 10142789312725007
print math.sqrt(n)
The square root prints out,
as shown below.
Execute this command:
print repr(math.sqrt(n))
Now more decimal places appear,
as shown below.
A good way to do this is to calculate n mod c, where c is a candidate. If c is a factor of n, the result will be zero.
We can test the first 20 candidates with a for loop.
Execute these commands:
c = 100711413
for i in range(c, c-40, -2):
print i, n%i
Press Enter twice after the last command to terminate the loop.
The third candidate is the winner, with a remainder of zero, as shown below.
Execute these commands:
p = 100711409
q = n / p
print p, q, n, p*q, n - p*q
The calculation worked, so the last value is zero,
as shown below.
phin = (p-1) * (q-1)
print p, q, n, phin
The parameters print out, as shown below.
(d * e) mod phin = 1We know that e = 5 from the Problem Statement.
It's not obvious how to find d, but there's a simple way to do it in Python, using the "gmpy> library.
Open a new Terminal window, not the one running Python, and execute this command to download and install a few dependencies and gmpy:
brew install gmp mpfr mpc
pip install gmpy
In the Terminal window running python, execute these commands.
e = 5
import gmpy
d = gmpy.invert(e, phin)
print d, e, d*e %phin
We get the value of d, and, to verify it,
we see that d*e %phin is indeed 1,
as shown below.
We can only send numbers.
Let's convert that message to three bytes of ASCII
and then interpret it as a 24-bit binary value.
In the Terminal window running python, execute these commands.
x1 = ord('H')
x2 = ord('i')
x3 = ord('!')
x = x1*256*256 + x2*256 + x3
print x
We get the value of x,
as shown below.
Execute these commands:
y = x ** e % n
print y
The encrypted message appears,
as shown below.
Execute these commands:
xx = y ** d % n
print xx
Python crashes,
as shown below. It cannot handle such large numbers.
To compute such a number, we must use the pow() function.
Execute these commands to restart python and restore all the values we calculated previously:
n = 10142789312725007
p = 100711409
q = 100711423
phin = (p-1) * (q-1)
e = 5
import gmpy
d = gmpy.invert(e, phin)
x1 = ord('H')
x2 = ord('i')
x3 = ord('!')
x = x1*256*256 + x2*256 + x3
y = x ** e % n
Your screen should look like the image
Let's try that decryption again with the pow() function. Execute these commands:
xx = pow(y, d, n)
print xx
Now it works, showing our original message in
numerical form.
xx1 = xx / (256*256)
xx2 = (xx - 256*256*xx1) / 256
xx3 = xx - 256*256*xx1 - 256*xx2
msg = chr(xx1) + chr(xx2) + chr(xx3)
print xx1, xx2, xx3, msg
Now it works, showing the original message in
readable form, as shown below.
Hint 1: The message, converted to a number, is 12 digits long and ends in 41.OBEY!
Hint 2: The encrypted message is 16 digits long and ends in 81.
Use the form below to put your name on the WINNERS PAGE.
Meghan sends this message to Cueball. Decrypt it.(111036975342601848755221, 13)
Use the form below to put your name on the WINNERS PAGE.80564890594461648564443
Meghan sends this message to Rob. Decrypt it.(1234592592962967901296297037045679133590224789902207663928489902170626521926687, 5557)
Hint: make square root calculations more precise.272495530567010327943798078794037733865151017104532777645776936985235709526002
Use the form below to put your name on the WINNERS PAGE.
Prime Numbers Generator and Checker
Arbitrary precision of square roots