meta: id: wav file-extension: wav encoding: ascii endian: le seq: - id: magic # Could assert using contents here, but # just make sections conditional later #contents: "RIFF" # Not using contents means we can give this a type # Big endian, because we store the 4-character string # 'RIFF' (0x52 0x49 0x46 0x46) as enum value 0x52494646 type: u4be # Integers can have an optional enum key enum: fourcc - id: size type: u4 - id: wave_str # Same as the magic field #contents: "WAVE" type: u4be enum: fourcc - id: sections type: section repeat: eos # Only try to decode this if this looks like a wave file if: 'magic == fourcc::riff and wave_str == fourcc::wave' instances: {} types: section: seq: - id: name type: u4be # Big endian, same reason as above enum: fourcc - id: size type: u4 - id: content size: size type: switch-on: name cases: 'fourcc::fmt': fmt 'fourcc::data': data 'fourcc::fact': fact 'fourcc::peak': peak 'fourcc::list': list fmt: seq: - id: type type: u2 enum: encoding - id: channels type: u2 - id: samplerate type: u4 - id: datarate type: u4 doc: Might also be datarate per channel - id: bytes_per_sample type: u2 - id: bits_per_unit type: u2 data: seq: - id: content type: switch-on: _root.sections[0].name cases: 'fourcc::fmt': sample(_root.sections[0] _: u1 repeat: eos types: sample: params: - id: fmt type: fmt seq: - id: data type: switch-on: fmt.type cases: 'encoding::float': float_type 'encoding::int': int_type repeat: expr repeat-expr: _root.sections[0].content.\ as.channels types: float_type: seq: - id: data type: switch-on: _parent.fmt.bits_per_unit cases: 32: f4 64: f8 int_type: seq: - id: data type: switch-on: _parent.fmt.bits_per_unit cases: 8: u1 16: s2 32: s4 fact: seq: - id: samples type: u4 peak: seq: - id: unknown_0 type: u4 - id: timestamp type: u4 - id: peak type: f4 - id: index type: u4 list: seq: - id: info_str type: str size: 4 - id: contents repeat: eos type: content types: content: seq: - id: name type: str size: 4 - id: size type: u4 - id: content type: strz size: size enums: fourcc: 0x52494646: 'riff' 0x57415645: 'wave' 0x666d7420: 'fmt' 0x66616374: 'fact' 0x5045414b: 'peak' 0x64617461: 'data' 0x4c495354: 'list' encoding: 1: 'int' 3: 'float' doc: Hello, world doc-ref: