import numpy as np import random import pygame import os import threading from webapp import app from event_server_comm import move_grid BLACK = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.uint8) WHITE = np.array([255, 255, 255], dtype=np.uint8) GRAY = np.array([200, 200, 200], dtype=np.uint8) RED = np.array([255, 0, 0], dtype=np.uint8) BLUE = np.array([0, 0, 255], dtype=np.uint8) YELLOW = np.array([255, 255, 0], dtype=np.uint8) GREEN = np.array([0, 255, 0], dtype=np.uint8) pygame.init() pygame.font.init() # you have to call this at the start, # if you want to use this module. myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 55) myfont_small = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 45) P0_text = myfont.render('P0', False, tuple(BLACK)) tiledt = np.dtype([('x', np.uint8), ('y', np.uint8), ('color', np.uint8, 3), ('star', np.bool)]) class Board: valid_colors = [GRAY, RED, BLUE] def __init__(self, dim_x, dim_y): self.tiles = np.zeros((dim_y, dim_x), dtype=tiledt) for x in range(dim_x): for y in range(dim_y): self.tiles[y, x]['color'] = random.choice(Board.valid_colors) def render(self, scale_fac): dimy, dimx = self.tiles.shape board_surf = pygame.Surface((dimx * scale_fac, dimy * scale_fac)) star_surf = pygame.Surface((scale_fac, scale_fac), pygame.SRCALPHA), YELLOW, (int(0.5 * scale_fac), int(0.5 * scale_fac)), int(0.25 * scale_fac)) for y in range(self.tiles.shape[0]): for x in range(self.tiles.shape[1]): pygame.draw.rect(board_surf, tuple(self.tiles[y, x]['color']), (x * scale_fac, y * scale_fac, scale_fac, scale_fac), 0) pygame.draw.rect(board_surf, (0, 0, 0), (x * scale_fac, y * scale_fac, scale_fac, scale_fac), 1) if self.tiles[y, x]['star']: board_surf.blit(star_surf, (x * scale_fac, y * scale_fac, scale_fac, scale_fac)) return board_surf def get_xdims(self): return self.tiles.shape[1] def get_ydims(self): return self.tiles.shape[0] # def __repr__(self): # s = '' # for y in range(self.tiles.shape[0]): # for x in range(self.tiles.shape[1]): # if (x,y) == (self.robot.x, self.robot.y): # s += self.robot.orientation # else: # s += '.' # s += '\n' # return s class Robot: orientations = ['^', 'left', 'down', 'right'] resulting_orientation = { '^': {'left': '<', 'right': '>'}, '>': {'left': '^', 'right': 'v'}, 'v': {'left': '>', 'right': '<'}, '<': {'left': 'v', 'right': '^'}, } def __init__(self, x, y, orientation, use_real_robot=False): self.x = x self.y = y self.orientation = orientation self.position_changed = False self.use_real_robot = use_real_robot def get_forward_coordinates(self): # get the coordinates of the neighboring tile in the given direction if self.orientation == '^': return self.y - 1, self.x elif self.orientation == '>': return self.y, self.x + 1 elif self.orientation == 'v': return self.y + 1, self.x elif self.orientation == '<': return self.y, self.x - 1 else: raise Exception("error: undefined direction") def get_angle(self): angle = {'>': 0, '^': np.pi/2, '<': np.pi, 'v': 3*np.pi/2}[self.orientation] return np.rad2deg(angle) def render(self, scale_fac): robot_surf = pygame.Surface((scale_fac, scale_fac), pygame.SRCALPHA) pygame.draw.lines(robot_surf, (0, 0, 0), True, [(0.75 * scale_fac, 0.5 * scale_fac), (0.25 * scale_fac, 0.25 * scale_fac), (0.25 * scale_fac, 0.75 * scale_fac)], 3) robot_surf = pygame.transform.rotate(robot_surf, self.get_angle()) return robot_surf def update_pos(self, dimx, dimy): if self.use_real_robot: move_grid(self.x, self.y, self.orientation, dimx, dimy) self.position_changed = False def __repr__(self): return f"({self.y}, {self.x}) - {self.orientation}" class Command: valid_actions = {'forward', 'left', 'right', 'P0', '-'} def __init__(self, action=None, color=GRAY): if not (action in Command.valid_actions and any([np.all(color == c) for c in Board.valid_colors])): raise ValueError("invalid values for command") self.action = action self.color = color def __repr__(self): return f"{self.action}: {self.color}" def render(self, scale_fac): cmd_surf = pygame.Surface((scale_fac, scale_fac)) cmd_surf.fill(tuple(self.color)) arrow_surf = pygame.Surface((300, 300), pygame.SRCALPHA) pygame.draw.polygon(arrow_surf, (0, 0, 0), ((0, 100), (0, 200), (200, 200), (200, 300), (300, 150), (200, 0), (200, 100))) arrow_surf = pygame.transform.scale(arrow_surf, (int(0.9*scale_fac), int(0.9*scale_fac))) if self.action == 'forward': arrow_surf = pygame.transform.rotate(arrow_surf, 90) elif self.action == 'left': arrow_surf = pygame.transform.rotate(arrow_surf, 180) if self.action in {'left', 'forward', 'right'}: cmd_surf.blit(arrow_surf, (0.05*scale_fac,0.05*scale_fac,0.95*scale_fac,0.95*scale_fac)) elif self.action == 'P0': cmd_surf.blit(P0_text, (0.05*scale_fac,0.05*scale_fac,0.95*scale_fac,0.95*scale_fac)) return cmd_surf class Programmer: def __init__(self, prg): self.prg = prg self.available_inputs = [Command('forward'), Command('left'), Command('right'), Command('P0'), Command('-', color=RED), Command('-', color=BLUE), Command('-', color=GRAY)] self.command_to_edit = 0 self.screen_rect = None def render(self, scale_fac): """Render surface with possible inputs for the robot. :return: surface of the input commands """ inp_surf = pygame.Surface((len(self.available_inputs) * scale_fac, 1 * scale_fac)) for i, inp in enumerate(self.available_inputs): cmd_surf = inp.render(scale_fac) inp_surf.blit(cmd_surf, (i * scale_fac, 0, scale_fac, scale_fac)) return inp_surf def update_selected_command(self, pos): print(f"clicked at pos = {pos}") xoffset = pos[0] - self.screen_rect.x selected_input_index = xoffset * len(self.available_inputs) // self.screen_rect.width selected_input = self.available_inputs[selected_input_index] edited_command = self.prg.cmds[self.command_to_edit] print("command before edit = ", edited_command) if selected_input.action != '-': edited_command.action = selected_input.action else: edited_command.color = selected_input.color print("command after edit = ", edited_command) class Program: def __init__(self, robot, board, cmds): self.cmds = cmds self.robot = robot self.board = board self.prg_counter = 0 self.screen_rect = None def step(self, state='running'): if self.prg_counter >= len(self.cmds): return 'game_over' cmd = self.cmds[self.prg_counter] self.prg_counter += 1 # current position x = self.robot.x y = self.robot.y # current tile the robot is on tile = self.board.tiles[y, x] # apply next instruction of the program if np.all(cmd.color == GRAY) or np.all(cmd.color == tile['color']): # matching color -> execute command if cmd.action == 'forward': ynew, xnew = self.robot.get_forward_coordinates() self.robot.x = xnew self.robot.y = ynew self.robot.position_changed = True #self.robot.update_pos(self.board.get_xdims(), self.board.get_ydims()) elif cmd.action in {'left', 'right'}: self.robot.orientation = Robot.resulting_orientation[self.robot.orientation][cmd.action] #self.robot.update_pos(self.board.get_xdims(), self.board.get_ydims()) self.robot.position_changed = True elif cmd.action == 'P0': self.prg_counter = 0 else: print("color not matching -> skipping command") # update state for new robot position if (not (0 <= self.robot.x < self.board.tiles.shape[1])) or not (0 <= self.robot.y < self.board.tiles.shape[0]): # robot leaves the board -> GAME OVER print("GAME OVER") self.robot.update_pos(self.board.get_xdims(), self.board.get_ydims()) return 'game_over' # robot collects star on new tile tile = self.board.tiles[self.robot.y, self.robot.x] if tile['star']: tile['star'] = False if all([not t['star'] for t in self.board.tiles.flatten()]): self.robot.update_pos(self.board.get_xdims(), self.board.get_ydims()) print("YOU WON") return 'won' # by default we continue in the running state return state def render(self, scale_fac, prg_counter_override=None): """Render the current program. This will render all commands and highlight the next command to execute (determined by self.prg_counter). The prg_counter_override can be used to highlight a different command instead. This is used during input mode to highlight the command the user will edit. :param scale_fac: :param prg_counter_override: :return: """ prg_counter = self.prg_counter if prg_counter_override is not None: prg_counter = prg_counter_override prg_surf = pygame.Surface((5 * scale_fac, 1 * scale_fac)) for i in range(5): if i < len(self.cmds): cmd = self.cmds[i] cmd_surf = cmd.render(scale_fac) else: cmd_surf = pygame.Surface((scale_fac,scale_fac)) cmd_surf.fill(GRAY) if prg_counter is not None and i == prg_counter: pygame.draw.rect(cmd_surf, tuple(GREEN), (0, 0, scale_fac, scale_fac), 5) prg_surf.blit(cmd_surf, (i * scale_fac, 0, scale_fac, scale_fac)) return prg_surf def get_clicked_command(self, pos): print(f"clicked at pos = {pos}") xoffset = pos[0] - self.screen_rect.x clicked_cmd = xoffset * len(self.cmds) // self.screen_rect.width print("clicked command = ", clicked_cmd) return clicked_cmd class Game: def __init__(self, dimx, dimy, robotx, roboty, use_real_robot=False): self.robot = Robot(x=robotx, y=roboty, orientation='v', use_real_robot=use_real_robot) self.board = Board(dimx, dimy) coin1x = np.random.randint(0, dimx) coin1y = np.random.randint(0, dimy) self.board.tiles[coin1y,coin1x]['star'] = True self.board.tiles[3,2]['star'] = True # TODO fix number of commands at 5 self.cmds = [Command('forward'), Command('left', color=RED), Command('left', color=BLUE), Command('P0'), Command('-')] self.state = 'reset' self.prg = Program(self.robot, self.board, self.cmds) self.programmer = Programmer(self.prg) #self.scale_fac = 180 self.scale_fac = 125 self.beamer_mode = False self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((int(self.board.tiles.shape[1] * self.scale_fac * 1.1), int((self.board.tiles.shape[0] + 2) * self.scale_fac * 1.2))) self.game_over_text = myfont.render('GAME OVER', False, BLACK) self.won_text = myfont.render('YOU WON', False, BLACK) self.run_text = myfont.render('RUN', False, tuple(BLACK)) self.stop_text = myfont_small.render('STOP', False, tuple(BLACK)) self.step_text = myfont_small.render('STEP', False, tuple(BLACK)) self.prg_text = myfont_small.render('CURRENT PROGRAM', False, tuple(GREEN)) # save initial state self.initial_pos = (self.robot.x, self.robot.y, self.robot.orientation) self.inital_board_tiles = self.board.tiles.copy() def render(self): """Render the game screen. This will render the board and the robot. Depending on the display mode it will also render the current program and the input commands for the robot. :param prg_counter: :return: """ if self.beamer_mode: dx = self.xoffset dy = 0 else: dx = int(0.05 * self.screen.get_width()) dy = int(0.05 * self.screen.get_height()) self.screen.fill(tuple(BLACK)) # render the board board_surf = self.board.render(self.scale_fac) # render robot onto the board surface robot_surf = self.robot.render(self.scale_fac) board_surf.blit(robot_surf, (self.robot.x * self.scale_fac, self.robot.y * self.scale_fac, self.scale_fac, self.scale_fac)) self.screen.blit(board_surf, (dx, dy, dx + self.board.tiles.shape[1] * self.scale_fac, dy + self.board.tiles.shape[0] * self.scale_fac)) # render program if self.state == 'input': # in input mode we highlight the command which is selected for edit prg_surf = self.prg.render(self.scale_fac, prg_counter_override=self.programmer.command_to_edit) else: # in other modes we render the current program counter prg_surf = self.prg.render(self.scale_fac) prg_surf = pygame.transform.scale(prg_surf, (self.screen.get_width() * 2 // 3, self.scale_fac * 2 // 3)) self.prg.screen_rect = pygame.Rect( (dx, board_surf.get_height() + 2 * dy, prg_surf.get_width(), prg_surf.get_height())) # render input fields and buttons inp_surf = self.programmer.render(self.scale_fac) inp_surf = pygame.transform.scale(inp_surf, (self.screen.get_width() * 2 // 3, self.scale_fac * 2 // 3)) self.programmer.screen_rect = pygame.Rect( (dx, board_surf.get_height() + prg_surf.get_height() + 3 * dy, inp_surf.get_width(), inp_surf.get_height())) btn_surf = pygame.Surface((3 * self.scale_fac // 2, self.scale_fac)) self.btn_rect = pygame.Rect((2 * dx + prg_surf.get_width(), board_surf.get_height() + 2 * dy, btn_surf.get_height(), btn_surf.get_width())) if self.state == 'input': btn_surf.fill(tuple(GREEN)) btn_surf.blit(self.run_text, (0, 10)) elif self.state == 'running': btn_surf.fill(tuple(RED)) btn_surf.blit(self.stop_text, (0, 10)) elif self.state == 'stepping': btn_surf.fill(tuple(YELLOW)) btn_surf.blit(self.step_text, (0, 10)) if not self.beamer_mode: # if we are not in beamer mode we render program and inputs below the board self.screen.blit(prg_surf, self.prg.screen_rect) self.screen.blit(inp_surf, self.programmer.screen_rect) self.screen.blit(btn_surf, self.btn_rect) else: prg_surf = pygame.transform.scale(prg_surf, (dx, dx//5)) # in beamer mode we render the program to the left of the board to appear on the laptop self.screen.blit(prg_surf, (0,100)) prg_descr_surb = pygame.Surface((500, 100)) #prg_descr_surb.blit(self.prg_text) self.screen.blit(self.prg_text, (50, 50)) mode_text = myfont_small.render(f'STATE: {self.state}', False, tuple(GREEN)) self.screen.blit(mode_text, (50, dx//5 + 350)) # render messages if self.state == 'game_over': game_over_surf = pygame.Surface(((self.screen.get_width() - dx) // 2, self.screen.get_height() // 2)) game_over_surf.fill(tuple(GREEN)) game_over_surf.blit(self.game_over_text, ((game_over_surf.get_width() - self.game_over_text.get_width()) // 2, (game_over_surf.get_height() - self.game_over_text.get_height()) // 2)) self.screen.blit(game_over_surf, (dx + (self.screen.get_width() - dx) // 4, self.screen.get_height() // 4)) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(1500) self.state = 'reset' elif self.state == 'won': won_surf = pygame.Surface(((self.screen.get_width() - dx) // 2, self.screen.get_height() // 2)) won_surf.fill(tuple(GREEN)) won_surf.blit(self.won_text, ((won_surf.get_width() - self.won_text.get_width()) // 2, (won_surf.get_height() - self.won_text.get_height()) // 2)) self.screen.blit(won_surf, (dx + (self.screen.get_width() - dx) // 4, self.screen.get_height() // 4)) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(1500) self.state = 'reset' pygame.display.flip() def process_inputs(self): # proceed events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.state = 'quit' # handle MOUSEBUTTONUP elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # select command to edit by the programmer if self.prg.screen_rect is not None: if self.prg.screen_rect.collidepoint(pos): print(f"clicked at pos = {pos}") self.programmer.command_to_edit = self.prg.get_clicked_command(pos) # set the selected command to a new value if self.programmer.screen_rect is not None: if self.programmer.screen_rect.collidepoint(pos): self.programmer.update_selected_command(pos) # clicked RUN/STOP button if self.btn_rect is not None and self.btn_rect.collidepoint(*pos): print(f"clicked at pos = {pos}") if self.state == 'running': self.state = 'input' elif self.state == 'input': self.state = 'running' elif self.state == 'stepping': self.state = self.prg.step(self.state) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_x: if not self.beamer_mode: # switch to beamer mode self.xoffset = 1000 os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = f'{1920-self.xoffset}, 280' self.scale_fac = 180 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.xoffset + self.board.tiles.shape[1] * self.scale_fac, self.board.tiles.shape[0] * self.scale_fac), pygame.NOFRAME) self.beamer_mode = True else: # switch to normal mode os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = '0, 0' self.scale_fac = 125 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((int(self.board.tiles.shape[1] * self.scale_fac * 1.1), int((self.board.tiles.shape[0] + 2) * self.scale_fac * 1.2))) self.beamer_mode = False elif event.key == pygame.K_s: # run program self.state = 'running' elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: if self.state != 'stepping': self.state = 'stepping' else: self.state = self.prg.step(self.state) elif event.key == pygame.K_r: self.state = 'reset' elif event.type == pygame.USEREVENT: for i, cmd in enumerate(event.cmds): self.cmds[i].action = cmd.action self.cmds[i].color = np.array(cmd.color, dtype=np.uint8) self.reset() self.state = 'running' return self.state def reset(self): self.prg.prg_counter = 0 self.robot.x = self.initial_pos[0] self.robot.y = self.initial_pos[1] self.robot.orientation = self.initial_pos[2] self.robot.update_pos(self.board.get_xdims(), self.board.get_ydims()) self.board.tiles = self.inital_board_tiles.copy() return 'input' def run(self): running = True while running: self.state = self.process_inputs() if self.state == 'input': pass elif self.state == 'running': self.state = self.prg.step() elif self.state == 'reset': self.state = self.reset() elif self.state == 'quit': running = False elif self.state == 'stepping': pass elif self.state == 'game_over' or self.state == 'won': pass else: print("unknown state") return self.render() if self.robot.position_changed: self.robot.update_pos(self.board.get_xdims(), self.board.get_ydims()) pygame.time.wait(100) if __name__ == "__main__": # launch webapp in thread webserver_thread = threading.Thread(, kwargs={'host': '', 'port': 5000}) webserver_thread.start() seed = 2 random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) game = Game(dimx=7, dimy=4, robotx=3, roboty=1, use_real_robot=True) # TODOs # - in stepping mode (s) it is possible to drive outside of the map # - when no P0 command is present the program counter will overflow