#include #include #include #include #include #include "adc.h" #include "usb.h" #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "uart.h" volatile uint32_t tick = 0; RINGBUFFER_STORAGE(usb_to_uart_buf, 64) RINGBUFFER_STORAGE(uart_to_usb_buf, 64) RINGBUFFER_STORAGE(comm_in_buf, 64) RINGBUFFER_STORAGE(comm_out_buf, 64) static void sys_tick_setup(void); static void sys_tick_setup() { systick_set_reload(168000); systick_set_clocksource(STK_CSR_CLKSOURCE_AHB); systick_counter_enable(); systick_interrupt_enable(); } void sys_tick_handler() { tick++; } int main(void) { #if 0 rcc_clock_setup_pll(&rcc_hse_25mhz_3v3[RCC_CLOCK_3V3_84MHZ]); #else rcc_clock_setup_pll(&rcc_hse_12mhz_3v3[RCC_CLOCK_3V3_168MHZ]); #endif RINGBUFFER_INIT(uart_to_usb_buf, 64); RINGBUFFER_INIT(usb_to_uart_buf, 64); RINGBUFFER_INIT(comm_in_buf, 64); RINGBUFFER_INIT(comm_out_buf, 64); usb_setup(); adc_setup(); uart_setup(); sys_tick_setup(); nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_USART3_IRQ); while (1) { /* Handle control messages through the comms CDC */ char buf[64]; unsigned buf_len = 0; for (char c; ringbuffer_get(comm_in_buf, (void*)&c, 1); ) { switch (c) { case 'B': buf_len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu\r\n", (unsigned long)adc_bat_voltage()); ringbuffer_add(comm_out_buf, buf, buf_len); break; } } /* Send replies */ if ((buf_len = ringbuffer_peek(comm_out_buf, &buf[0], sizeof buf))) { if (usb_write_cdcacm(ACM_COMM, (void*)buf, buf_len, 1)) { ringbuffer_skip(comm_out_buf, buf_len); } } /* Send any available data to the NFC CDC */ if (!ringbuffer_empty(uart_to_usb_buf)) { unsigned len = ringbuffer_peek(uart_to_usb_buf, &buf[0], sizeof buf); if(usb_write_cdcacm(ACM_NFC, buf, len, 1)) { ringbuffer_skip(uart_to_usb_buf, len); } } if (!ringbuffer_empty(usb_to_uart_buf)) { usart_enable_tx_interrupt(USART3); } usbd_poll(g_usbd_dev); __asm__("wfi"); } } void usart3_isr() { while (USART_SR(USART3) & USART_SR_RXNE) { uint8_t c = usart_recv(USART3); ringbuffer_add(uart_to_usb_buf, (void *)&c, 1); } while (USART_SR(USART3) & USART_SR_TXE) { if (ringbuffer_empty(usb_to_uart_buf)) { usart_disable_tx_interrupt(USART3); break; } else { uint8_t c; ringbuffer_get(usb_to_uart_buf, &c, 1); usart_send(USART3, c); } } }