diff --git a/Handout.svg b/Handout.svg index 93cc29e..556a18c 100644 --- a/Handout.svg +++ b/Handout.svg @@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ height="297mm" viewBox="0 0 82677.168 116929.13" id="svg3480" - sodipodi:docname="Instructions.svg" xml:space="preserve" - inkscape:version="1.2.1 (9c6d41e410, 2022-07-14)" - xmlns:inkscape="http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape" - xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" @@ -19,7 +15,7 @@ x="410.8876" y="681.65772" width="352.59497" - height="396.82361" + height="407.13411" id="rect7906" /></defs><title id="title1840">SVG Picture created as KiCad.svg date 2023/01/30 23:36:43 Picture generated by Eeschema-SVG Shortcuts (schematic editor): + id="tspan4319">Shortcuts (schematic editor): + id="tspan4321"> A - Add component + id="tspan4323">A - Add component W - Draw a wire + id="tspan4325">W - Draw a wire L - Add a label + id="tspan4327">L - Add a label M - Move (without wires) + id="tspan4329">M - Move (without wires) G - Grab (move, but including wires) + id="tspan4331">G - Grab (move, but including wires) R - Rotate (under cursor or currently R - Rotate (under cursor or currently moving) + id="tspan4335">moving) Del - Delete (same) + id="tspan4337">Del - Delete (same) F - Assign footprint + id="tspan4339">F - Assign footprint V - Edit value + id="tspan4341">V - Edit value E - Edit properties + id="tspan4343">E - Edit properties F8 - Update PCB from schematic + id="tspan4345">F8 - Update PCB from schematic + id="tspan4347"> + id="tspan4349"> Stuff to do: + id="tspan4351">Stuff to do: + id="tspan4353"> - Add edge cuts for board size + id="tspan4355">- Add edge cuts for board size - Add a ground plane + id="tspan4357">- Add a ground plane - Route -> Interactive router - Route -> Interactive router settings -> Mode: Shove + id="tspan4361">settings -> Mode: Shove - Design rule check + id="tspan4363">- Design rule check + id="tspan4365"> Board setup: + id="tspan4367">Board setup: - Physical stackup: Layer count + id="tspan4369">- Physical stackup: Layer count - Design rules: + id="tspan4371">- Design rules: - Constraints: Depending on - Constraints: Depending on manufacturer, for precise stuff + id="tspan4375">manufacturer, for precise stuff - Net classes: Predefined sizes, - Net classes: Predefined sizes, e.g. for signal vs power traces + id="tspan4379">e.g. for signal vs power traces Shortcuts (PCB editor): + id="tspan4381">Shortcuts (PCB editor): + id="tspan4383"> M - Move a component + id="tspan4385">M - Move a component X - Draw a trace from current cursor X - Draw a trace from current cursor position + id="tspan4389">position D - Push a trace around + id="tspan4391">D - Push a trace around V (Not routing) Switch between top/V (Not routing) Switch between top/bottom layer + id="tspan4395">bottom layer V (Routing) - Add a via + id="tspan4397">V (Routing) - Add a via F - Flip component between top/F - Flip component between top/bottom + id="tspan4401">bottom E - Edit properties + id="tspan4403">F (routing) - Complete trace (v7) +shift-F - Complete all traces in selection (v7) +E - Edit properties