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2019-11-26 00:18:10 +01:00
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README.md Some updates 2019-11-26 00:18:10 +01:00
template.html5 Initial commit 2019-11-24 20:57:07 +01:00

MicroPython Workshop

Getting started

Operating systems, drivers...

You might need drivers for the CP210x USB-to-serial converter, which you can get from the Silicon Labs site.

On Windows, the device should show up as some COM port (e.g. COM3), on Linux as e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0, and on OSX as /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART (not as /dev/tty.usbserial!)

Installing MicroPython

Get a recent build of Pycopy, a fork of MicroPython that we will be using for this workshop. A build of the current state as of 2019-11-24 is here.

Afterwards, get esptool and use it to flash your board, using the correct port:

pip install esptool
esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash
esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --chip esp32 \
    write_flash -z 0x1000 firmware.bin

You can now connect to your board's REPL with e.g. screen or putty:

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

In Putty, select "Serial" as connection type and use your COM port as port and 115200 as speed.

You'll get a command prompt and be able to execute the first commands

print("Hello, world")

A reference of all the default libraries can be found on readthedocs.io

File upload using ampy

You can use ampy to manage files from the CLI:

pip install adafruit-ampy

export AMPY_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0

# List files
ampy ls

# Print file contents
ampy get boot.py

# Save a file
ampy get boot.py boot.py

# Create some example file
echo "print('hello, world')" > hello.py

# Run a local file, without uploading or saving it
ampy run hello.py

# Save it to the board
ampy put hello.py

# Delete it again
ampy rm hello.py

The contents of boot.py are run each time the controller resets. It may contain instructions for setting up your network connection, local time, peripherals, etc. Make sure not to put an infinite loop in your boot.py.

Hello, LED

You can control the builtin LED, which is on pin 5:

from machine import Pin
led = Pin(5, Pin.OUT)

# The LED is connected between GPIO 5 and 3.3 V, so
# to allow current to flow and turn the LED on, you
# need a lower voltage on your pin:

# This is (in this case somewhat confusingly) equivalent to

# or

# These will all turn it off:

# You can also use booleans:

Brightness control with PWM

To control the brightness, we will be using Pulse-Width Modulation, which quickly toggles the LED between on and off at some frequency, while varying the time it is on:

from machine import PWM
pwm = PWM(led)

# Read the frequency
# Set it

# Read and set the duty cycle

Contrary to what some people with previous embedded programming experience might expect, the frequency here is not the frequency of the counter, but how often the LED toggles per second.

The maximum duty cycle is normally 1023 (which applies 3.3 volts for 1023 out of 1024 cycles). For high frequencies this might change.

Frequencies as low as 1 Hz are possible - you can not use floating point numbers as your PWM frequency.

Reserved pins

Some of the GPIOs are reserved for certain functions. Most of their numbers are not visible on the TTGO-T8 board:

  • UART: Pins 1 and 3 are TX/RX - visible as TXD and RXD
  • Flash: 6, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17. Messing with these will probably crash your program.
  • 34-39 are input only and do not have pullups. Only 34 and 35 are available on the board at all.

All other pins can be freely used for any kind of digital input or output.

Pins 2, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15 are connected the the micro-SD slot and can not be used while the SD card is being used.

Digital and analog input

Use machine.Pin for digital input

from machine import Pin
pin = Pin(4, Pin.IN)

# You can use pullups:
pin = Pin(4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pin = Pin(4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN)

When connecting a button between a pin and the supply voltage (3V3 pins), use a pull-down - then the normal state will read as 0, and switch to 1 when the button is pressed.

You can also connect the button between ground (GND) and a pin and use a pull-up, now the pin will normally read as 1 and switch to 0 when pressed.

For analog input, use machine.ADC. By default, the ADC has an input range of 1.0 V, but this can be changed to up to 3.6 V using ADC.atten. Available pins are 32 through 35.

from machine import Pin, ADC
pin = ADC(Pin(32, Pin.IN, None))

# You can set the resolution, it defaults to 12 bits

pwm = machine.PWM(Pin(5, Pin.OUT))
while True:
    pwm.duty(1023 - pin.read())


MicroPython on the ESP32 has virtual timers and 4 hardware timers. You can use a lot more virtual timers, but they are more prone to jitter. In either case, you can not allocate memory in a timer, as they are executed from an interrupt context.

Timers execute a callback, which takes the timer as an argument

from machine import Timer, Pin
import utime

# Create a virtual timer with ID -1.
# IDs >= 0 are hardware timers.
timer = Timer(-1)

# Create variables used by the interrupt
data = [0] * 32
index = 0

# Use the normal LED as output
led = Pin(5, Pin.OUT)

def callback(timer):
    global data, index
    # Store the time since startup (in ms)
    data[index] = utime.ticks_ms()
    # Next write will be at the next index
    # Restarts at index 0 when the array is full!
    index = (index + 1) % 32
    # Toggle the LED
    led(not led())

# Run the callback once, after 100 ms
timer.init(mode = Timer.ONE_SHOT, period = 100, callback = callback)

# Run the callback every second
timer.init(period = 1000, callback = callback)

# After a few seconds
# Most of the values will have the same last three digits
# You might see something like
# [ 456, 5662, 6662, 7662, 8662, ... ]

# Stop the timer


MicroPython has an internal filesystem that is stored after the firmware. You can access it in the usual way:

import os
print( open("/boot.py").read() )

# Write to a file. Deletes existing content.
f = open("data.txt", "a")
f.write("Hello ")

# Append
f = open("data.txt", "a")


Sleep modes and power consumption

When transmitting data to a WLAN, power consumption will be 160 - 260 mA (so use WLAN.active(false) when you don't need it). Even with a deactivated modem, the power consumption can still be up to 20 mA when the CPU is running.


In idle mode, the CPU is paused but peripherals keep working.

import machine

# Enter idle mode indefinitely

Execution continues when an interrupt happens, usually after a few milliseconds

Light sleep

In light sleep, most of the microprocessor will be inactive. Power consumption will be at about 0.8 mA.

import machine

# Enter light sleep until the next interrupt

# Enter lightsleep until the next interrupt, but
# at most for one second

Deep sleep

In deep sleep, most of the RAM and all digital peripherals are turned off. Only the RTC and ULP co-processor stay active. Power consumption is about 10 uA. After deep sleep is exited, the ESP32 will reset.

import machine

# Same behaviour as with lightsleep

# To further reduce power consumption, disable pullups:
p1 = machine.Pin(4, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_HOLD)

After the reset, use machine.reset_cause() to check if we were in a deep sleep:

import machine

if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET:
    print("Woke up from deep sleep")


The RTC of the ESP32 is not only used to keep track of time, but can also save up to 2 kiB of data during deep sleep. This memory is still volatile, however, and will be deleted if you use the reset button or remove power

import machine
rtc = machine.RTC()
rtc.memory('some data')


To create or connect to a WLAN, we will use the network module.

Creating a network

You can easily create a network with a DHCP server for any clients:

import network
wlan = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF)
wlan.config(essid = "micropython",
authmode = network.AUTH_WPA2_PSK,
# You can look at some interface information:
# Address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS server.
# Pass in a tuple containing these values to
# set the information instead.

Connecting to an existing network

import network
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
# Activate the interface
# Scan for visible networks
# Check connection status
# We are not connected. Change that
wlan.connect("micropython", "YELLOWSUBMARINE")

TCP/UDP sockets

import usocket

# Create a TCP socket
tcp = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_STREAM)

# or UDP
udp = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_DGRAM)

# Listen on a port and accept a connection from a client
address = usocket.getaddrinfo('', 42)[0][-1]
conn, remote_address = tcp.accept()

# Connect to a server
address = usocket.getaddrinfo('', 42)

# Write data

# Receive data



import upip
import urequests


First, we need to install picoweb

import upip

This will automatically install picoweb and its dependencies into /lib/ if you have an internet connection.

Now you can create simple websites.

import picoweb

app = picoweb.WebApp(__name__)

def index(request, response):
    yield from picoweb.start_response(response)
    yield from response.awrite("<html><body>Hello, world</body></html>")

app.run("", 80, debug=True)

Next steps

In no particular order:

  • WebREPL
  • Talking to peripherals with SPI, I2C, ...
  • LED libraries for WS2812, APA102, ...
  • Interrupt handlers
  • Using the SD card
  • Using uselect to handle multiple sockets
  • Handling sensor data with umqtt