# Shared Tiles With this repository we try to create a place to share tilesets for the rC3 world. We provide some "official" rC3 styled tiles for your map, as well as tilesets provided by the community. ## Usage ### functions tilesets These tilesets have dedicated functions and should only be used for their indented function. * mapUtilities: Tiles for functional layers (start/exit/silent/...), should not be visible within the game. * assembly_names: generated names of all assemblies. * dk_transports: Entry-/Exit-tiles, some animated. * official_rockets: non-accessible rockets to dock exits. * fairydust: accessible rockets to dock exits. ### deko tilesets This tilesets don't have a dedicated function and should only be used as deco. * dk_lines: Decoration, universal usable, also good to mark ways or areas. * dk_overlays: colored overlays for walls/carpets/whatever. no special function. * dk_space_station: Space-extras for decoration, no special function. * dk_gargen: garden set, no special function. * seidenstrasse: silkroad, no special function. * minideko: decoration, ballpit, fairy lights, ... . ### mullana tilesets see [Readme-Mullana-Tilesets.pdf](Readme-Mullana-Tilesets.pdf) ## Community Tilesets You need to initialize the submodules first. `git submodule init` `git submodule update --remote` ### community/cert We provide well 250 sorted sprites from mate crates to a security kit for your very own assembly map ;) Please take a look at its own README.md for more informations. ## Contributing If you want to contribute your tilesets to this page, please put them in a git repo and send us an email with a cloneable link to your repository to and we'll add them here. ## Contact You can reach us at [tiles@rc3.world](mailto:tiles@rc3.world), for questions, proposals, improvements or if you want to share your own tilesets.