cleaned up code for segment output

Simon Pirkelmann 2019-09-14 20:00:57 +02:00
parent 903fbdba07
commit 6ac2c864c5
2 changed files with 252 additions and 267 deletions

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@ -3,176 +3,7 @@ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import operator
# scale in inkscape
# 1 unit = 0.283 mm
svg_scale = 1000.0/282.222
def svg_circle(id, name, c, r):
# create circle object in svg notation
text = [' <circle\n',
' id="circle{}"\n'.format(id),
' inkscape:label="{}"\n'.format(name),
' style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.1mm"\n',
' r="{}mm"\n'.format(r),
' cy="{}mm"\n'.format(c[1]),
' cx="{}mm" />\n'.format(c[0])]
return text
def svg_puzzle(p, size, angle):
# convert angle to radians
angle = angle / 360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi
# compute points
v1 and v2 are orthogonal vectors
construction of points (starting at p):
p3 <------ -2 v1 ------ p2
p4 <-- -v1 -- p -- v1 --> p1
then between points p2 and p3 with draw an arc
v1 = np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)])
v2 = np.array([v1[1], -v1[0]])
p1 = p + size * v1
p2 = p1 + size * v2
p3 = p2 - 2.0 * size * v1
p4 = p - size * v1
# convert to svg units
p1 *= svg_scale
p2 *= svg_scale
p3 *= svg_scale
p4 *= svg_scale
radius_scaled = 1.25 * size * svg_scale
text = [' <path \n '
' id="path666" \n '
' style="fill:none;stroke:#ff0000;stroke-width:1.60000002" \n'
' d="M {} {} L {} {} A {} {} 0 1 0 {} {} L {} {}"'
' />\n'.format(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], radius_scaled, radius_scaled, p3[0], p3[1], p4[0], p4[1])]
return text
def svg_line_puzzle(start, end, puzzle_scale=1.0, linewidth=0.50):
# draws a line from start to end with a simple jigsaw puzzle style cutout in the middle
# the size of the cutout can be controlled with the puzzle_scale parameter
# compute points
v1 and v2 are orthogonal vectors
construction of points (starting at p (middle between start and end)):
p2 ------- 2 v1 -----> p3
start --- p1 <-- -v1 -- p -- v1 --> p4 --- end
then between points p2 and p3 with draw an arc
v = end - start
dist = np.linalg.norm(v)
size = dist / 10.0 * puzzle_scale # size of the cutout
v = v / dist
angle = math.atan2(v[1], v[0]) # angle of v
# midpoint between start and end
p = np.mean([start, end], axis=0)
v1 = np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)])
v2 = np.array([v1[1], -v1[0]])
p1 = p - size * v1
p2 = p1 + size * v2
p3 = p2 + 2.0 * size * v1
p4 = p + size * v1
# convert to svg units
p1 *= svg_scale
p2 *= svg_scale
p3 *= svg_scale
p4 *= svg_scale
start *= svg_scale
end *= svg_scale
radius_scaled = 1.25 * size * svg_scale
text = [' <path \n '
' id="path666" \n '
' style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:{}mm" \n'
' d="M {} {} L {} {} L {} {} A {} {} 0 1 1 {} {} L {} {} L {} {}"'
' />\n'.format(linewidth, start[0], start[1], p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], radius_scaled, radius_scaled,
p3[0], p3[1], p4[0], p4[1], end[0], end[1])]
return text
def svg_half_circle(id, name, c, r, angle, orientation_flag=1):
# draws half a circle centered at c with radius r
# angle specifies how the half circle should be rotated
# for the default angle of zero, it draws the top half of the circle
# convert angle to radians
angle = angle/360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi
# compute starting point
v = np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)])
begin = c + r * v # in millimeters
begin *= svg_scale # in svg units
# compute end point
end = c - r * v # in millimeters
end *= svg_scale # in svg units
radius_scaled = r * svg_scale # radius in svg units
text = [' <path \n '
' id="path666" \n '
' style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.60000002" \n'
' d="M {} {} A {} {} 0 {} {} {} {}"'
' />\n'.format(begin[0], begin[1], radius_scaled, radius_scaled, orientation_flag, orientation_flag,
end[0], end[1])]
return text
def svg_arc(p1, p2, r, large_arc, sweep):
begin = p1 * svg_scale
end = p2 * svg_scale
radius_scaled = r * svg_scale
text = [' <path \n '
' id="path666" \n '
' style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.60000002" \n'
' d="M {} {} A {} {} 0 {} {} {} {}"'
' />\n'.format(begin[0], begin[1], radius_scaled, radius_scaled, large_arc, sweep,
end[0], end[1])]
return text
def svg_rectangle(id, name, c, width, heigth, angle):
x = np.sqrt(c[0]**2 + c[1]**2) - width/2
y = - heigth
text = ['<g transform="rotate({})">\n '
'<rect x="{}mm" y="{}mm" width="{}mm" height="{}mm" style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.1mm;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" />\n '
.format(angle, x, y ,width, heigth)]
return text
def svg_line(p1, p2, width=1.0):
text = ['<line x1="{}mm" y1="{}mm" x2="{}mm" y2="{}mm" style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:{}mm" />'.format(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], width)]
return text
from svg_utils import *
# this function reads and processes data for optimal circle packaging obtained form
@ -568,8 +399,8 @@ class PlateLayout:
# output plate as svg
text = svg_circle(0, 'plate', (0,0), self.target_plate_radius)
f_lines = f_lines + text
# text = svg_circle(0, 'plate', (0,0), self.target_plate_radius)
# f_lines = f_lines + text
output_all = False
if output_all:
@ -586,8 +417,8 @@ class PlateLayout:
def output_segment(self, f_lines, k):
def output_segment(self, f_lines, k):
# k = which segment?
k_next = (k + 1) % self.N
@ -602,102 +433,44 @@ class PlateLayout:
vunit2 = np.array([np.cos(a2), np.sin(a2)])
p2 = vunit2 * self.target_center_hole_radius
text = svg_arc(p1, p2, self.target_center_hole_radius, 0, 1)
f_lines = f_lines + text
f_lines += svg_arc(p1, p2, self.target_center_hole_radius, 0, 1)
# big circles arcs
c = self.tube_1_coords[k]
angle = self.tube_1_angles[k]
text = svg_half_circle(k, 'big circle', c, self.target_radius_1, angle)
f_lines = f_lines + text
c = self.tube_1_coords[k_next]
angle = self.tube_1_angles[k_next]
text = svg_half_circle(k_next, 'big circle', c, self.target_radius_1, angle, orientation_flag=0)
f_lines = f_lines + text
f_lines += svg_half_circle(k, 'big circle', self.tube_1_coords[k], self.target_radius_1, self.tube_1_angles[k])
f_lines += svg_half_circle(k_next, 'big circle', self.tube_1_coords[k_next], self.target_radius_1,
self.tube_1_angles[k_next], orientation_flag=0)
# small circle
c = self.tube_2_coords[k]
text = svg_circle(k, 'small circle', c, self.target_radius_2)
f_lines = f_lines + text
f_lines += svg_circle(k, 'small circle', self.tube_2_coords[k], self.target_radius_2)
# gear pos for big circle
c = self.tube_1_tangents[k_next]
circle_midpoint = self.tube_1_coords[k_next]
v = np.array(c[0]) - np.array(circle_midpoint)
v = v / np.linalg.norm(v)
f_lines += svg_gear_marking(self.tube_1_tangents[k_next], self.tube_1_coords[k_next])
marking_length = 5.0
p1 = c[0]
p2 = c[0] + v * marking_length
text = svg_line(p1, p2)
f_lines = f_lines + text
# rectangle for big circles
c = self.tube_1_cuts[k_next]
text = svg_rectangle(k_next, 'cut', c['center'], c['length'], c['width'], c['angle_deg'])
f_lines = f_lines + text
# cutout rectangle for big circles
f_lines += svg_rectangle(k_next, 'cut', self.tube_1_cuts[k_next])
# gear pos for small circle
c = self.tube_2_tangents[k]
circle_midpoint = self.tube_2_coords[k]
v = np.array(c[0]) - np.array(circle_midpoint)
v = v/np.linalg.norm(v)
f_lines += svg_gear_marking(self.tube_2_tangents[k], self.tube_2_coords[k])
marking_length = 5.0
# cutout rectangle for small circles
f_lines += svg_rectangle(k, 'cut', self.tube_2_cuts[k])
p1 = c[0]
p2 = c[0] + v * marking_length
# first segment border
f_lines += svg_segment_border_inner(self.tube_1_angles[k], self.target_center_hole_radius,
self.tube_1_coords[k], self.target_radius_1)
f_lines += svg_segment_border_outer(self.tube_1_angles[k], self.target_plate_radius, self.plate_module,
self.tube_1_coords[k], self.target_radius_1)
text = svg_line(p1, p2)
f_lines = f_lines + text
# second segment border
f_lines += svg_segment_border_inner(self.tube_1_angles[k_next], self.target_center_hole_radius,
self.tube_1_coords[k_next], self.target_radius_1)
f_lines += svg_segment_border_outer(self.tube_1_angles[k_next], self.target_plate_radius, self.plate_module,
self.tube_1_coords[k_next], self.target_radius_1)
# rectangle for small circles
c = self.tube_2_cuts[k]
text = svg_rectangle(k, 'cut', c['center'], c['length'], c['width'], c['angle_deg'])
f_lines = f_lines + text
# segment border (right)
a = self.tube_1_angles[k]
a = a / 360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi
r1 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.tube_1_coords[k])) - self.target_radius_1
vunit = np.array([np.cos(a), np.sin(a)])
p1 = vunit * self.target_center_hole_radius
p2 = vunit * r1
#text = svg_line(p1, p2, 0.1)
text = svg_line_puzzle(p1, p2)
f_lines = f_lines + text
r2 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.tube_1_coords[k])) + self.target_radius_1
p3 = vunit * r2
r3 = self.target_plate_radius - self.plate_module
p4 = vunit * r3
text = svg_line_puzzle(p3, p4)
#text = svg_line(p3, p4, 0.1)
f_lines = f_lines + text
# segment border (left)
a = self.tube_1_angles[k_next]
a = a / 360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi
r1 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.tube_1_coords[k_next])) - self.target_radius_1
vunit = np.array([np.cos(a), np.sin(a)])
p1 = vunit * self.target_center_hole_radius
p2 = vunit * r1
#text = svg_line(p1, p2, 0.1)
text = svg_line_puzzle(p1, p2)
f_lines = f_lines + text
r2 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.tube_1_coords[k_next])) + self.target_radius_1
p3 = vunit * r2
r3 = self.target_plate_radius - self.plate_module
p4 = vunit * r3
#text = svg_line(p3, p4, 0.1)
text = svg_line_puzzle(p3, p4)
f_lines = f_lines + text
# find outmost points for segment cut lines
# in addition we rotate the points by 0.9 degrees because we also rotated the gear path
# by this amount above
r_pitch_minus_module = self.target_plate_radius - self.plate_module
a1 = (self.tube_1_angles[k] - 0.9) / 360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi
vunit1 = np.array([np.cos(a1), np.sin(a1)])
@ -726,6 +499,7 @@ class PlateLayout:
# find nodes on gear path with minimal distance to segment cuts
dist_1 = [np.linalg.norm(c - outer_point_1 * svg_scale) for c in coordinates]
dist_2 = [np.linalg.norm(c - outer_point_2 * svg_scale) for c in coordinates]
@ -736,24 +510,13 @@ class PlateLayout:
coordinates = coordinates[min_dist_index_1:min_dist_index_2+1]
coordinates = coordinates[min_dist_index_1:] + coordinates[0:min_dist_index_2]
print("TODO: check this")
coordinates_data_raw_new = "".join(['{},{} '.format(c[0], c[1]) for c in coordinates])
# keep only those nodes from the gear path that are between the segment cuts
gear_data_new = gear_data[0:index_start] + "M " + coordinates_data_raw_new + gear_data[index_end+1:]
f_lines[j] = gear_data_new
# find minimum distance and keep only points between the two distances
# problem: does not consider manual rotation of the plate
# -> rotate points outer_point_1 and outer_point_2 before computing the distance
# ...
#f_lines[k] = gear_data[0:index+1] + gear_data[-2:]
return f_lines
def output_whole(self, f_lines):

prototype/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
import numpy as np
import math
# scale in inkscape
# 1 unit = 0.28222 mm
svg_scale = 1000.0 / 282.222
def svg_circle(id, name, c, r):
# create circle object centered at point c with radius r
text = [' <circle\n',
' id="circle{}"\n'.format(id),
' inkscape:label="{}"\n'.format(name),
' style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.1mm"\n',
' r="{}mm"\n'.format(r),
' cy="{}mm"\n'.format(c[1]),
' cx="{}mm" />\n'.format(c[0])]
return text
def svg_puzzle(p, size, angle):
# convert angle to radians
angle = angle / 360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi
# compute points
v1 and v2 are orthogonal vectors
construction of points (starting at p):
p3 <------ -2 v1 ------ p2
p4 <-- -v1 -- p -- v1 --> p1
then between points p2 and p3 with draw an arc
v1 = np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)])
v2 = np.array([v1[1], -v1[0]])
p1 = p + size * v1
p2 = p1 + size * v2
p3 = p2 - 2.0 * size * v1
p4 = p - size * v1
# convert to svg units
p1 *= svg_scale
p2 *= svg_scale
p3 *= svg_scale
p4 *= svg_scale
radius_scaled = 1.25 * size * svg_scale
text = [' <path \n '
' id="path666" \n '
' style="fill:none;stroke:#ff0000;stroke-width:1.60000002" \n'
' d="M {} {} L {} {} A {} {} 0 1 0 {} {} L {} {}"'
' />\n'.format(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], radius_scaled, radius_scaled, p3[0], p3[1], p4[0], p4[1])]
return text
def svg_line_puzzle(start, end, puzzle_scale=1.0, linewidth=0.50):
# draws a line from start to end with a simple jigsaw puzzle style cutout in the middle
# the size of the cutout can be controlled with the puzzle_scale parameter
# compute points
v1 and v2 are orthogonal vectors
construction of points (starting at p (middle between start and end)):
p2 ------- 2 v1 -----> p3
start --- p1 <-- -v1 -- p -- v1 --> p4 --- end
then between points p2 and p3 with draw an arc
v = end - start
dist = np.linalg.norm(v)
size = dist / 10.0 * puzzle_scale # size of the cutout
v = v / dist
angle = math.atan2(v[1], v[0]) # angle of v
# midpoint between start and end
p = np.mean([start, end], axis=0)
v1 = np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)])
v2 = np.array([v1[1], -v1[0]])
p1 = p - size * v1
p2 = p1 + size * v2
p3 = p2 + 2.0 * size * v1
p4 = p + size * v1
# convert to svg units
p1 *= svg_scale
p2 *= svg_scale
p3 *= svg_scale
p4 *= svg_scale
start *= svg_scale
end *= svg_scale
radius_scaled = 1.25 * size * svg_scale
text = [' <path \n '
' id="path666" \n '
' style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:{}mm" \n'
' d="M {} {} L {} {} L {} {} A {} {} 0 1 1 {} {} L {} {} L {} {}"'
' />\n'.format(linewidth, start[0], start[1], p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], radius_scaled, radius_scaled,
p3[0], p3[1], p4[0], p4[1], end[0], end[1])]
return text
def svg_half_circle(id, name, c, r, angle, orientation_flag=1):
# draws half a circle centered at c with radius r
# angle specifies how the half circle should be rotated
# the orientation flag determines if the upper or the lower half of the circle is drawn
# convert angle to radians
angle = angle / 360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi
# compute starting point
v = np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)])
begin = c + r * v # in millimeters
begin *= svg_scale # in svg units
# compute end point
end = c - r * v # in millimeters
end *= svg_scale # in svg units
radius_scaled = r * svg_scale # radius in svg units
text = [' <path \n '
' id="path666" \n '
' style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.60000002" \n'
' d="M {} {} A {} {} 0 {} {} {} {}"'
' />\n'.format(begin[0], begin[1], radius_scaled, radius_scaled, orientation_flag, orientation_flag,
end[0], end[1])]
return text
def svg_arc(p1, p2, r, large_arc, sweep):
begin = p1 * svg_scale
end = p2 * svg_scale
radius_scaled = r * svg_scale
text = [' <path \n '
' id="path666" \n '
' style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.60000002" \n'
' d="M {} {} A {} {} 0 {} {} {} {}"'
' />\n'.format(begin[0], begin[1], radius_scaled, radius_scaled, large_arc, sweep,
end[0], end[1])]
return text
def svg_rectangle(id, name, c):
center = c['center']
width = c['length']
height = c['width']
angle = c['angle_deg']
x = np.sqrt(center[0] ** 2 + center[1] ** 2) - width / 2
y = - height
text = ['<g transform="rotate({})">\n '
'<rect x="{}mm" y="{}mm" width="{}mm" height="{}mm" style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.1mm;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" />\n '
.format(angle, x, y, width, height)]
return text
def svg_line(p1, p2, width=1.0):
text = ['<line x1="{}mm" y1="{}mm" x2="{}mm" y2="{}mm" style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:{}mm" />'.format(p1[0],
return text
def svg_gear_marking(tangent_coord, circle_midpoint, marking_length=5.0):
c = tangent_coord
v = np.array(c[0]) - np.array(circle_midpoint)
v = v / np.linalg.norm(v)
p1 = c[0]
p2 = c[0] + v * marking_length
text = svg_line(p1, p2)
return text
def svg_segment_border_inner(angle, center_hole_radius, circle_pos, circle_radius):
a = angle
a = a / 360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi
r1 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(circle_pos)) - circle_radius
vunit = np.array([np.cos(a), np.sin(a)])
p1 = vunit * center_hole_radius
p2 = vunit * r1
text = svg_line_puzzle(p1, p2)
return text
def svg_segment_border_outer(angle, plate_pitch_radius, plate_gear_module, circle_pos, circle_radius):
a = angle
a = a / 360.0 * 2.0 * np.pi
vunit = np.array([np.cos(a), np.sin(a)])
r2 = np.linalg.norm(np.array(circle_pos)) + circle_radius
p3 = vunit * r2
r3 = plate_pitch_radius - plate_gear_module
p4 = vunit * r3
text = svg_line_puzzle(p3, p4)
return text