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\title[LoRa]{A Brief Introduction to \includegraphics[trim=0 4cm 0 0, scale=0.15]{images/lora.jpg}}
\author{Simon Pirkelmann}
\date{December 2nd, 2019}
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\item Example: monitor well-being of honey bees\\[0.5cm]
\includegraphics[scale=0.04]{images/distance.jpg} \hspace{0.5cm}
\includegraphics[scale=0.15]{images/no-electricity.png} \\
\item Requirements:
\item Low data rate (a few bytes per day)
\item Low power consumption
\item Low cost
\item Long range
\item Data line (e.g. ethernet)
\item Wifi, Bluetooth
\item Cellular
\item Solution: LPWAN (\textbf{L}ow-\textbf{P}ower \textbf{W}ide-\textbf{A}rea \textbf{N}etwork)
\item \textbf{LoRa}, \textbf{LoRaWAN}, \textbf{TheThingsNetwork}
\item SigFox, NB-IoT, Weightless, ...
\subsection{LoRa facts}
\begin{frame}{LoRa Facts}
\item Developed by \textbf{Semtech} (originally by Cycleo)\\
\hspace{0.3 cm}\textbf{Note:} parts of the PHY layer are \textbf{proprietary}!
\item Frequency: \textbf{868 MHz} \textbf{SRD} band (in the EU)
\item \textbf{25 mW} transmission power
\item Bandwidth: \textbf{125} to \textbf{500 kHz}
\item Data rate between \textbf{250 Bit/sec} and 21 \textbf{kBit/sec} \\
\hspace{0.3 cm}\textbf{BUT}: not made for a lot of data
\item Low cost: \textbf{$\sim $10 EUR} CAPEX (for nodes), almost no OPEX
\item Low power: devices can last \textbf{years on battery}
\item Long distance: up to \textbf{10 km} range
\begin{exampleblock}{LoRa distance record}
\begin{frame}{LoRa facts}
LoRa is \textbf{NOT} for:
\item Realtime data - only small packets, every couple of minutes
\item Phone calls - you can do that with GPRS/3G/LTE
\item Controlling lights in your house - check out ZigBee or BlueTooth
\item Sending photos, watching Netflix - check out WiFi
Important: \includegraphics[trim=0cm 4cm 0 0cm, scale=0.11]{images/lora.jpg} $\leftrightarrow$ \includegraphics[trim=0cm 4cm 0 0cm,scale=0.15]{images/lorawan.jpg} $\leftrightarrow$ \includegraphics[trim=0cm 4cm 0 0cm,scale=0.06]{images/ttn.png}\\[0.3cm]
\item \textbf{LoRa}: PHY layer $\Rightarrow$ modulation technique
\item \textbf{LoRaWAN}: Network protocol
\item \textbf{TheThingsNetwork (TTN)}: Network server, handles routing of data to the \textit{cloud}
\subsection{PHY layer: modulation and demodulation}
\begin{frame}{Digital modulation}
\item \textbf{A}mplitude \textbf{S}hift \textbf{K}eying (ASK)
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\begin{frame}{Digital modulation}
\item \textbf{F}requency \textbf{S}hift \textbf{K}eying (FSK)
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\begin{frame}{Digital modulation}
\item Used by LoRa: \textbf{C}hirp \textbf{S}pread \textbf{S}pectrum (CSS) modulation
\item Chirp = frequency change over time\\
\begin{frame}{LoRa modulation}
\item LoRa uses \textbf{Up-Chirps} (frequency increases) and \textbf{Down-Chirps} (frequency decreases)
%\item Messages always start with 8 Up-Chirps
\begin{frame}{Example LoRa packet}
Thanks Valentin and Stefan (DM4SG) for providing this data
\begin{frame}{Chirps and Symbols}
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Time of frequency jump determines which data is encoded\\
\only<3>{Example: \texttt{data = }\texttt{00000}}
\only<4>{Example: \texttt{data = }\texttt{00010}}
\only<5>{Example: \texttt{data = }\texttt{00011}}
\only<6>{Example: \texttt{data = }\texttt{10110}}
\item De-chirp signal by multiplying (mixing) with conjugate chirp
\item Fourier Transform
\item Alignment using detect sequence at start of transmission
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\begin{frame}{Spreading factor}
\item Number of bits per symbol is determined by \textbf{spreading factor} (SF)
\item Possible values: SF7 - SF12\\
\hspace{0.5cm} SF7: 7 bits per symbol \\
\hspace{0.5cm} SF12: 12 bits per symbol
\item Spreading factor influences max. range
\item De-chirp signal by multiplying (mixing) with conjugate chirp
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\item Fourier Transform
\begin{frame}{Forward error coding}
\item For each symbol several \textbf{parity bits} are added (= redundant information) \\
Reason: allows to detect and fix errors that occur during transmission (due to interference, etc.)
\item \textbf{Coding rate} determines number of parity bits:\\
\hspace{0.25cm} CR 4/5 : of 5 bits transmitted, 4 bits are actual data\\
\hspace{0.25cm} CR 4/8 : of 8 bits transmitted, 4 bits are actual data
\item Additionally: \textbf{C}yclical \textbf{R}edundancy \textbf{C}heck (CRC)
\subsection{Packet format}
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\begin{frame}{LoRa package format}
Source: SX1276/77/78/79 datasheet
\item Header: contains information about
\item payload length
\item coding rate
\item CRC present?
\item Implicit header mode: no header sent
\subsection{Data rate and air time}
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\begin{frame}{Data rate and air time}
\item Data rate depends on bandwidth (BW), spreading factor (SF) and coding rate (CR)\\[0.3cm]
\textbf{Symbol duration}:
T_{sym} = \frac{2^{SF}}{BW}
\textbf{Symbol rate}:
R_{sym} = \frac{1}{T_{sym}}
\item \textbf{Data rate}:
R_{data} = \underbrace{SF}_{\# \text{bits per symbol}} \cdot \underbrace{R_{symb}}_{\text{symbol rate}} \cdot \underbrace{\frac{4}{4 + CR}}_{\text{coding rate}}
\item Example data rates:\\
SF7 &BW250 &CR4/5 & $\approx 10.9$ &$\tfrac{kbit}{s}$ \\ \hline
SF7 &BW125 &CR4/5 & $\approx 5.5$ &$\tfrac{kbit}{s}$ \\ \hline
SF12 &BW125 &CR4/5 & $\approx 0.29$ & $\tfrac{kbit}{s}$
%\item Sync word: \url{https://forum.chirpstack.io/t/relation-between-sync-word-private-network-and-end-nodes/191/17}
According to \textit{Allgemeinzuteilung von Frequenzen zur Nutzung durch Funkanwendungen mit geringer Reichweite für nicht näher spezifizierte Anwendungen; Non-specific
Short Range Devices (SRD)}, Bundesnetzagentur, 2018
\item Comply with \textbf{duty cycles} of the SRD band:
Frequency & Duty Cycle & ERP \\
868,0 - 868,6 MHz & 1 \% & 25 mW
\item This amounts to $\approx 30$ seconds of transmission time per hour (maximum!). Try to keep it way below.
\item Airtime calculator: \url{https://www.loratools.nl/\#/airtime}
\item Example: \texttt{20 bytes} payload \\
$\rightarrow$ max. 25 messages per hour on SF12 \\
$\rightarrow$ max. 600 messages per hour on SF7 \\
\section{Playground Part I}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Playground Part I}
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\item Module used: \textbf{Wemos® TTGO LORA32 868Mhz ESP32}
\item ESP32
\item LoRa Chip SX1276
\item OLED display
\item Antenna (needs to be connected!)
\item Programmable in MicroPython thanks to \texttt{uPyLora} library by lemariva (\url{https://github.com/lemariva/uPyLora})
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from lora_transceiver import LoRaTransceiver
from uPySensors.ssd1306_i2c import Display
disp = Display()
# create transceiver
lora = LoRaTransceiver(display=disp)
# send a string
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lora.send_string("Hello World!")
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# send some raw binary data
lora.send([0x01, 0x02, 0x03])
\item Alternative: HopeRF \textbf{RFM95W} chip
\item For "documentation" see: \url{https://imaginaerraum.de/git/Telos4/LoRa-Workshop}
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\begin{frame}[fragile]{Playground Part I}
\item Receiving data:
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from lora_transceiver import LoRaTransceiver
from uPySensors.ssd1306_i2c import Display
disp = Display()
# create transceiver
lora = LoRaTransceiver(display=disp)
# start receiving data (and output on the screen)
\item Change LoRa parameters
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# change the spreading factor
# change the frequency
# change signal bandwidth
# change sync word
\item Task: \textit{Turn off your neighbors LED!}
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\subsection{Network topology}
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\item LoRaWAN is for getting your sensor data online
\item Media access control (MAC) protocol
\item Network topology:\\
\item \textbf{Gateways} forward data from nodes to the \textit{cloud}
\item Transmission is secured by AES-128 encryption
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\begin{frame}{Device registration}
\item \textbf{TheThingsNetwork} aims to build a global LoRaWAN network
\item Devices need to be registered and assigned to an application before they can communicate with the network
\item Create an account on \url{https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/}
\item Log in and open the \textit{Console}
\vspace{-1.85cm}Create an application
\item Create a device and register it. Go to \textit{Settings} and change activation method to Activation by Personalisation (ABP)\\
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\item Three important keys (when using ABP):\\
Device Address (\textbf{DevAddr}) & identification of the device in TTN \\
Network Session Key (\textbf{NwkSKey}) & secure communication between device and TTN \\
Application Session Key (\textbf{AppSKey}) & secure communication between device and application
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\item DevAddr tells TTN where to route the data
\item NwkSKey used for message validity check (MIC)\\ (prevents tampering with messages)
\item AppSKey are used for payload encryption/decryption\\ (prevents reading the data)
\item Need to be \textbf{hardcoded} into the device
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\item Alternatively: use Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA) (more secure)
\item Frame counters: Each message is equipped with a counter that prevents re-transmit attacks
\begin{frame}{LoRaWAN payload format}
Useful link:
\item LoRaWAN packet decoder {\small \url{https://lorawan-packet-decoder-0ta6puiniaut.runkit.sh/}}
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\begin{frame}{Use cases}
\textbf{Smart farming}
\textbf{Smart parking}
\textbf{Smart home}
\textbf{Smart waste management}
\section{Playground Part II}
2019-11-29 16:14:26 +00:00
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Playground Part II}
Example code for sending data to \textbf{TheThingsNetwork}:
from lora_transceiver import LoRaTransceiver
from uPySensors.ssd1306_i2c import Display
import uLoRaWAN
from uLoRaWAN.MHDR import MHDR
disp = Display()
# create transceiver for LoRaWAN frequency (channel 0 = 868.1 Mhz)
lora = LoRaTransceiver(frequency=868.1E6, syncword=0x34, display=disp)
# set address and keys for LoRaWAN (with ABP)
devAddr = [0x26, 0x01, 0x16, 0x5C] # ir_test_device_01
nwkSKey = [0x9D, 0x95, 0x0F, 0xAB, 0xCB, 0x63, 0xD3, 0x04, 0xBC, 0x09,
0xC4, 0x9E, 0xC5, 0xDF, 0x3C, 0x37]
appSKey = [0xC9, 0x6C, 0x00, 0xD1, 0xB0, 0x1C, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x11, 0xBA,
0x32, 0x6F, 0x2F, 0xC2, 0x75, 0x6A]
# lorawan object for conversion of data in LoRaWAN message format
lorawan = uLoRaWAN.new(nwkSKey, appSKey)
message = list(map(ord, 'Hello World!')) # convert to bytes
lorawan.create(MHDR.UNCONF_DATA_UP, { 'devaddr': devAddr, 'fcnt': 0,
'data': message })
payload = lorawan.to_raw()
(the code is based on the \texttt{uLoRaWAN} library by mallagant, see: {\small \url{https://github.com/mallagant/uLoRaWAN}})
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Playground Part II}
For testing you can use the following device addresses and keys:
9D 95 0F AB CB 63 D3 04 BC 09 C4 9E C5 DF 3C 37
\item \textbf{appSKey}
C9 6C 00 D1 B0 1C 2E 42 11 BA 32 6F 2F C2 75 6A
\item \textbf{devAddr} (choose one):
1: 26 01 16 5C 10: 26 01 1A CE
2: 26 01 18 52 11: 26 01 12 F1
3: 26 01 1E 4F 12: 26 01 1B 18
4: 26 01 17 83 13: 26 01 19 40
5: 26 01 1B 5C 14: 26 01 19 96
6: 26 01 1E B5 15: 26 01 18 FF
7: 26 01 13 DA 16: 26 01 12 5B
8: 26 01 1E 8F 17: 26 01 13 63
9: 26 01 18 F1 18: 26 01 12 09
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\item Watch incoming data (forwarded as HTTP POST request) at
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and check the gateway log at (connected to @BayernWLAN wifi)
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\begin{frame}{References and more information}
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\item Decoding LoRa \url{https://revspace.nl/DecodingLora}
\item \textit{LoRa und The Things Network} - talk by Hubert Högl (FH Augsburg)
\item \href{https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/278192/understanding-the-relationship-between-lora-chips-chirps-symbols-and-bits}{Stackexchange thread about LoRa symbols}
\item \href{http://wireless.ictp.it/school_2017/Slides/LoRaDetails.pdf}{LoRa talk}
\item \href{https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmL13yqb6OxdeOi97EvI8QeO8o-PqeQ0g}{Mobilefish.com LoRa youtube tutorials}
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\textbf{Further reading:}
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\item TTN Applications: APIs, Python SDK, Integrations {\scriptsize \url{https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/applications/}}
\item Best practices to reduce payload size: {\scriptsize \url{https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/best-practices-to-limit-application-payloads/1302}}
\item Forum about all things LoRa: \url{https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/}
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\item Gateway guides
\item Radio module/antenna recommendations
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\item ...
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\item Cayenne Low Power Payload (LPP)
\textbf{Thanks for your attention!}
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