Compare commits
No commits in common. "10be4c707f4607359141e8e4e6edfc081ede0904" and "15da18f949d12ab738f4fce28345c9025c2ab586" have entirely different histories.
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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
Installing Intel RealSense drivers:
echo 'deb xenial main' || sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/realsense-public.list
sudo add-apt-repository "deb xenial main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dev
sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dkms # enter a key for installing driver when asked (in my case the pw was realsense2019bt)
sudo apt-get install librealsense2-utils
Check if drivers were installed sucessfully:
modinfo uvcvideo | grep "version:" # -> this should report the realsense camera driver
# Installing the ROS package (assuming ros base is installed):
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-cv-bridge -y
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-image-transport
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-tf -y
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-diagnostic-updater -y
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ddynamic-reconfigure -y
# clone github repo:
git clone
cd realsense-ros/
git checkout `git tag | sort -V | grep -P "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+" | tail -1`
mkdir -p ~/realsense_catkin_ws/src/realsense
mv * ~/realsense_catkin_ws/src/realsense/
cd ~/realsense_catkin_ws/src/
cd ..
catkin_make clean
catkin_make install
echo "source ~/realsense_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Test with:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
Possible issue:
The camera requires a USB 3 port to provide full resolution streams
@ -1,379 +1,6 @@
import socket
import socket
import pygame
import pygame
import pygame.joystick
import pygame.joystick
import rospy
import pygame.freetype
from marker_pos_angle.msg import id_pos_angle
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Point
from copy import deepcopy
import time
# for debugging:
# rosrun image_view image_view image:=/fiducial_images
class race_track:
This class existing for a checking position of robots on the track
We have four aruco markers for outside rectangle and four for inside small rectangle
If one of the robots stay inside of the big rectangle we can to control its, but in another case works
only keyboard control - we use it for came back of robots in there
def __init__(self, robot_1, robot_2):
marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/marker_id_pos_angle", id_pos_angle, self.measurement_callback)
self.robot_1 = robot_1
self.robot_2 = robot_2
self.rectangle_pos = None
self.rectangle_pos_2 = None
self.rectangle_pos_3 = None
self.rectangle_pos_4 = None
self.rectangle_pos_5 = None
self.rectangle_pos_6 = None
self.rectangle_pos_7 = None
self.rectangle_pos_8 = None
self.robot_pos_1 = None
self.robot_pos_2 = None
self.start_line = None
self.checkpoint_line = None
self.check_number_markers = True
self.debug_plot = False
self.checkpoint_count = 0
self.finish_line_count = 0
self.checkpoint_count_2 = 0
self.finish_line_count_2 = 0
self.countdown = False
self.countdown_2 = False
self.time_start = False
self.countdown_check = False
self.robot_1_time = False
self.print_robot_1_time = False
self.print_robot_2_time = False
self.count_down_start = 0
self.time_circle_robot_1 = 0
self.time_circle_robot_2 = 0
self.print_GO = False
self.press_b_phrase = True
self.robot_1_second_circle = None
self.robot_1_first_circle = None
self.robot_2_second_circle = None
self.robot_2_first_circle = None
self.final_time = None
self.final_time_2 = None
def measurement_callback(self, data):
# Aruco marker number 14 it's robot 102; Aruco 1,5,7,8 are drawn small rectangle Polygon
# Aruco 2,4,0,11 are assembled big rectangle Polygon
if == 14:
self.robot_pos_1 = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.robot_pos_1))
elif == 15:
self.robot_pos_2 = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.robot_pos_1))
elif == 9:
self.checkpoint_line = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.start_line))
elif == 0:
self.start_line = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.start_line))
elif == 1:
self.rectangle_pos = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.rectangle_pos))
elif == 2:
self.rectangle_pos_2 = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.rectangle_pos_2))
elif == 3:
self.rectangle_pos_3 = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, start_marker_pos_3))
elif == 4:
self.rectangle_pos_4 = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(,start_marker_pos_4))
elif == 5:
self.rectangle_pos_5 = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.rectangle_pos_5))
elif == 6:
self.rectangle_pos_6 = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(,self.rectangle_pos_6))
elif == 7:
self.rectangle_pos_7 = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(, self.rectangle_pos_7))
elif == 8:
self.rectangle_pos_8 = (data.x, data.y)
# print ("{}->ID MARKER, {}->POSITION".format(,self.rectangle_pos_8))
def check_number_marker(self):
if self.rectangle_pos is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
elif self.rectangle_pos_2 is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
elif self.rectangle_pos_3 is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
elif self.rectangle_pos_4 is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
elif self.rectangle_pos_5 is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
elif self.rectangle_pos_6 is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
elif self.rectangle_pos_7 is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
elif self.rectangle_pos_8 is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
elif self.start_line is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
elif self.checkpoint_line is None:
self.check_number_markers = False
self.check_number_markers = True
def polygon_rectangle(self):
if self.check_number_markers:
self.rectangle_track = Polygon([self.rectangle_pos, self.rectangle_pos_2,
self.rectangle_pos_3, self.rectangle_pos_4])
self.rectangle_track_2 = Polygon([self.rectangle_pos_5, self.rectangle_pos_6,
self.rectangle_pos_7, self.rectangle_pos_8])
self.start_strength_line = Polygon([(self.rectangle_pos_7[0]-0.08, self.rectangle_pos_7[1]),
(self.start_line[0]-0.08, self.start_line[1]),
(self.start_line[0]+0.08, self.start_line[1]),
(self.rectangle_pos_7[0]+0.08, self.rectangle_pos_7[1])])
self.checkpoint_strength_line = Polygon([self.checkpoint_line, self.rectangle_pos_5,
(self.rectangle_pos_5[0]+0.1, self.rectangle_pos_5[1]),
(self.checkpoint_line[0] + 0.1, self.checkpoint_line[1])])
self.robot_pos_1_point = Point(self.robot_pos_1)
self.robot_pos_2_point = Point(self.robot_pos_2)
if self.debug_plot:
x, y = (self.checkpoint_strength_line.exterior.xy)
plt.plot(x, y)
if self.rectangle_track.contains(self.robot_pos_1_point) and not \
self.robot_1.controlling_allowed = True
#print("robot outside track")
self.robot_1.controlling_allowed = False
if self.rectangle_track.contains(self.robot_pos_2_point) and not \
self.robot_2.controlling_allowed = True
#print("robot_2 outside track")
self.robot_2.controlling_allowed = False
print("couldn't find the all ARUCO markers")
def check_starting_position(self, robot_1, robot_2): # when you pressing B robot must staying on the start line for beginning of race
button_robot_1 = robot_1.joystick.get_button(1)
button_robot_2 = robot_2.joystick.get_button(1)
if button_robot_1:
if self.start_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_1_point):
print("MLS is on the start line")
self.robot_1.controlling_allowed_2 = True
self.countdown = True
print("put the MLS on the start line")
self.robot_1.controlling_allowed_2 = False
if button_robot_2:
if self.start_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_2_point):
print("BMW X6 is on the start line")
self.robot_2.controlling_allowed_2 = True
self.countdown_2 = True
print("put the BMW X6 on the start line")
self.robot_2.controlling_allowed_2 = False
def start_countdown(self):
if self.countdown and self.countdown_2:
self.count_down_start = time.time()
self.time_start = True
self.countdown_check = True
self.press_b_phrase = False
self.countdown = False
def check_countdown(self):
# if countdown reaches 0 -> allow control
if self.countdown_check:
if time.time() - self.count_down_start < 5:
self.robot_1.controlling_allowed_2 = False
self.robot_2.controlling_allowed_2 = False
self.print_GO = True
def print_countdown(self):
# prints countdown to screen
if self.time_start:
countdown_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 80)
ready_font= pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 42)
ready_font.render_to(screen, (170, 200), "ARE YOU READY?", (255, 160, 30))
output_string = "{: 6.2f}".format(time.time() - self.count_down_start)
text = countdown_font.render(output_string, True, (0, 255, 0))
screen.blit(text, [260, 270])
def time_robot_1_2(self):
if self.robot_1_time and time.time() - self.count_down_start < 7.1:
self.time_circle_robot_1 = time.time()
self.time_circle_robot_2 = time.time()
self.print_robot_1_time = True
self.print_robot_2_time = True
def print_time_robot_1_2(self):
if self.print_robot_1_time:
time_robot_2_font_1 = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 42)
time_robot_2_font_1.render_to(screen, (30, 20), "TIME MLS", (255, 0, 0))
time_robot_1_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 52)
output_time_robot_1 = "{: 6.2f}".format(time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_1)
text = time_robot_1_font.render(output_time_robot_1, True, (255, 0, 0))
screen.blit(text, [120, 90])
if not self.final_time is None:
self.print_robot_1_time = False
if self.print_robot_2_time:
time_robot_2_font_2 = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 42)
time_robot_2_font_2.render_to(screen, (380, 20), "TIME BMW X6", (150, 50, 255))
time_robot_2_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 52)
output_time_robot_2 = "{: 6.2f}".format(time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_2)
text = time_robot_2_font.render(output_time_robot_2, True, (150, 50, 255))
screen.blit(text, [470, 90])
if not self.final_time_2 is None:
self.print_robot_2_time = False
def print_result(self):
if not self.final_time is None:
final_time_robot_1_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
final_time_robot_1 = "FINAL TIME MLS {: 6.2f}".format(self.final_time)
text = final_time_robot_1_font.render(final_time_robot_1, True, (0, 255, 0))
screen.blit(text, [30, 300])
if not self.robot_1_second_circle is None:
second_circle_robot_1_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32)
second_circle_robot_1 = "SECOND CIRCLE {: 6.2f}".format(self.robot_1_second_circle)
text = second_circle_robot_1_font.render(second_circle_robot_1, True, (255, 0, 0))
screen.blit(text, [30, 200])
if not self.robot_1_first_circle is None:
first_circle_robot_1_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32)
first_circle_robot_1 = "FIRST CIRCLE {: 6.2f}".format(self.robot_1_first_circle)
text = first_circle_robot_1_font.render(first_circle_robot_1, True, (255, 0, 0))
screen.blit(text, [30, 150])
if not self.final_time_2 is None:
final_time_robot_2_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
final_time_robot_2 = "FINAL TIME BMW X6 {: 6.2f}".format(self.final_time_2)
text = final_time_robot_2_font.render(final_time_robot_2, True, (0, 255, 0))
screen.blit(text, [380, 300])
if not self.robot_2_second_circle is None:
second_circle_robot_2_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32)
second_circle_robot_2 = "SECOND CIRCLE {: 6.2f}".format(self.robot_2_second_circle)
text = second_circle_robot_2_font.render(second_circle_robot_2, True, (150, 50, 255))
screen.blit(text, [380, 200])
if not self.robot_2_first_circle is None:
first_circle_robot_2_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32)
first_circle_robot_2 = "FIRST CIRCLE {: 6.2f}".format(self.robot_2_first_circle)
text = first_circle_robot_2_font.render(first_circle_robot_2, True, (150, 50, 255))
screen.blit(text, [380, 150])
def first_phrase(self):
if self.press_b_phrase:
robot_font_2 = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 30)
robot_font_2.render_to(screen, (240, 240), "BOTH PLAYERS!", (255, 160, 30))
robot_font_2.render_to(screen, (30, 300), "PUT DOWN TWO ROBOTS ON THE START LINE", (255, 160, 30))
robot_font_2.render_to(screen, (110, 360), "AND PRESS 'B' FOR THE BEGINNING", (255, 160, 30))
if self.print_GO:
if time.time() - self.count_down_start > 5 and time.time() - self.count_down_start < 7:
print_go_font = pygame.freetype.SysFont(None, 152)
print_go_font.render_to(screen, (230, 200), "GO!", (255, 160, 30))
self.time_start = False
self.robot_1.controlling_allowed_2 = True
self.robot_2.controlling_allowed_2 = True
self.robot_1_time = True
def checkpoint(self):
if self.check_number_markers:
if self.checkpoint_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_1_point):
if self.finish_line_count == self.checkpoint_count:
self.checkpoint_count += 1
print("Player 1 reached checkpoint, checkpoint count = {}".format(self.checkpoint_count))
if self.checkpoint_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_2_point):
if self.finish_line_count_2 == self.checkpoint_count_2:
self.checkpoint_count_2 += 1
print("Player 2 reached checkpoint, checkpoint count = {}".format(self.checkpoint_count_2))
def finish_line(self):
if self.check_number_markers:
if self.start_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_1_point):
if self.finish_line_count < self.checkpoint_count:
self.finish_line_count += 1
elif self.finish_line_count == self.checkpoint_count and self.finish_line_count == 3:
if self.final_time is None:
self.final_time = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_1
self.robot_1.controlling_allowed = False
elif self.finish_line_count == self.checkpoint_count and self.finish_line_count == 2:
if self.robot_1_second_circle is None:
self.robot_1_second_circle = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_1
elif self.finish_line_count == self.checkpoint_count and self.finish_line_count == 1:
if self.robot_1_first_circle is None:
self.robot_1_first_circle = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_1
if self.start_strength_line.contains(self.robot_pos_2_point):
if self.finish_line_count_2 < self.checkpoint_count_2:
self.finish_line_count_2 += 1
print("Player 2 reached finish line, finish line count = {}".format(self.finish_line_count_2))
elif self.finish_line_count_2 == self.checkpoint_count_2 and self.finish_line_count_2 == 3:
if self.final_time_2 is None:
self.final_time_2 = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_2
self.robot_2.controlling_allowed = False
self.player_2 = False
elif self.finish_line_count_2 == self.checkpoint_count_2 and self.finish_line_count_2 == 2:
if self.robot_2_second_circle is None:
self.robot_2_second_circle = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_2
elif self.finish_line_count_2 == self.checkpoint_count_2 and self.finish_line_count_2 == 1:
if self.robot_2_first_circle is None:
self.robot_2_first_circle = time.time() - self.time_circle_robot_2
class robot: # we have 4 arg for this class, because joysticks get the same (value, axis) events
class robot: # we have 4 arg for this class, because joysticks get the same (value, axis) events
@ -381,15 +8,11 @@ class robot: # we have 4 arg for this class, because joysticks get the same (va
|||||| = joy
| = joy
self.ip = ip
self.ip = ip
self.port = port
self.port = port
self.robot_stopped = True
self.robot0_stopped_1 = True
self.robot0_stopped_2 = True
self.robot0_stopped_3 = True
self.robot0_stopped_4 = True
self.rc_socket = socket.socket()
self.rc_socket = socket.socket()
self.update_control = False
self.controlling_allowed = True
self.controlling_allowed_2 = False
self.u1 = 0
self.u1 = 0
self.u2 = 0
self.u2 = 0
@ -419,199 +42,127 @@ class robot: # we have 4 arg for this class, because joysticks get the same (va
def check_control(self):
def control(self, event): # the control of two robots with joysticks
if not self.controlling_allowed:
joy =
if self.robot_stopped:
value = event.value
axis = event.axis
#print("check control -> already stopped")
self.u1 = self.u2 = 0
self.robot_stopped = True
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode())
print("check control -> stop")
if joy ==
if axis == 1:
if abs(value) > 0.2:
u1 = u2 = -value
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.robot0_stopped_1 = False
elif not self.robot0_stopped_1:
u1 = u2 = 0
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.robot0_stopped_1 = True
elif axis == 3:
if abs(value) > 0.2:
u1 = value
u2 = -value
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.robot0_stopped_2 = False
def control_alt(self):
elif not self.robot0_stopped_2:
if self.controlling_allowed and self.controlling_allowed_2:
u1 = u2 = 0
ax1 = self.joystick.get_axis(1) * 0.75
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
ax2 = self.joystick.get_axis(2) * 0.75
self.robot0_stopped_2 = True
ax3 = self.joystick.get_axis(3) * 0.75
elif axis == 2:
ax5 = self.joystick.get_axis(5) * 0.75
if value > 0.2:
u1 = value/1.9
u2 = value/1.2
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.robot0_stopped_3 = False
u1_old = deepcopy(self.u1)
elif not self.robot0_stopped_3:
u2_old = deepcopy(self.u2)
u1 = u2 = 0
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
threshold = 0.2
self.robot0_stopped_3 = True
if abs(ax1) < threshold and ax2 < threshold and abs(ax3) < threshold and ax5 < threshold and not self.robot_stopped:
elif axis == 5:
self.robot_stopped = True
if value > 0.2:
#print("all axis in neutral -> stopping")
u1 = value/1.2
self.u1 = self.u2 = 0
u2 = value/1.9
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.robot0_stopped_4 = False
self.robot_stopped = False
if abs(ax1) > threshold and abs(ax3) > threshold:
self.u1 = (-ax1 + ax3)/2.0
self.u2 = (-ax1 - ax3)/2.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif abs(ax1) > threshold:
self.u1 = self.u2 = -ax1
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif abs(ax3) > threshold:
self.u1 = ax3
self.u2 = -ax3
elif ax2 > threshold:
self.u1 = ax2
self.u2 = ax2*0.75
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif ax5 > threshold:
self.u1 = ax5*0.75
self.u2 = ax5
if u1_old != self.u1 or u2_old != self.u2:
#print("update_control = True")
self.update_control = True
def send_control(self):
if self.update_control:
#print("sending..({},{})\n".format(self.u1, self.u2))
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode())
elif not self.robot0_stopped_4:
u1 = u2 = 0
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.robot0_stopped_4 = True
def control_keyboard(self, event): # keyboard control for robot1
def control_keyboard(self, event): # keyboard control for robot1
u1_old = deepcopy(self.u1)
u2_old = deepcopy(self.u2)
if pressed[pygame.K_LEFT]:
if pressed[pygame.K_LEFT]:
self.u1 = -1.0
u1 = -1.0
self.u2 = 1.0
u2 = 1.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
elif pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
self.u1 = 1.0
u1 = 1.0
self.u2 = -1.0
u2 = -1.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif pressed[pygame.K_UP]:
elif pressed[pygame.K_UP]:
self.u1 = 1.0
u1 = -1.0
self.u2 = 1.0
u2 = -1.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif pressed[pygame.K_DOWN]:
elif pressed[pygame.K_DOWN]:
self.u1 = -1.0
u1 = 1.0
self.u2 = -1.0
u2 = 1.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
self.u1 = 0.0
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode())
self.u2 = 0.0
#selfd.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode())
if u1_old != self.u1 or u2_old != self.u2:
def control_keyboard_2(self, event): # keyboard control for robot1
print("update_control = True")
self.update_control = True
def control_keyboard_2(self, event): # keyboard control for robot2
u1_old = deepcopy(self.u1)
u2_old = deepcopy(self.u2)
if pressed[pygame.K_a]:
if pressed[pygame.K_a]:
self.u1 = -1.0
u1 = -1.0
self.u2 = 1.0
u2 = 1.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif pressed[pygame.K_d]:
elif pressed[pygame.K_d]:
self.u1 = 1.0
u1 = 1.0
self.u2 = -1.0
u2 = -1.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif pressed[pygame.K_w]:
elif pressed[pygame.K_w]:
self.u1 = 1.0
u1 = -1.0
self.u2 = 1.0
u2 = -1.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif pressed[pygame.K_s]:
elif pressed[pygame.K_s]:
self.u1 = -1.0
u1 = 1.0
self.u2 = -1.0
u2 = 1.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2).encode())
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
self.u1 = 0.0
self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode())
self.u2 = 0.0
#self.rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(self.u1, self.u2).encode())
if u1_old != self.u1 or u2_old != self.u2:
print("update_control = True")
self.update_control = True
def main():
def main():
global screen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((720, 576))
pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
rospy.init_node('game_node', anonymous=True)
robot_1 = robot(0, '', 1234)
robot_1 = robot(0, '', 1234)
robot_2 = robot(1, '', 1234)
robot_2 = robot(1, '', 1234)
robot_track = race_track(robot_1, robot_2)
while True:
while True:
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
events = pygame.event.get()
events = pygame.event.get()
global pressed
global pressed
pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
robot_1.update_control = False
robot_2.update_control = False
input_1_recorded = False
input_2_recorded = False
for event in events:
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
robot_track.check_starting_position(robot_1, robot_2)
if event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION:
if event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION:
if ==
input_2_recorded = True
if ==
input_1_recorded = True
input_1_recorded = True
input_2_recorded = True
if input_2_recorded:
if input_1_recorded:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ def f_ode(t, x, u):
class RemoteController:
class RemoteController:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self):
self.robots = [Robot(11, '')]
self.robots = [Robot(15, '')]
#self.robots = [Robot(14, '')]
#self.robots = [Robot(14, '')]
self.robot_ids = {}
self.robot_ids = {}
for r in self.robots:
for r in self.robots:
self.robot_ids[] = r
self.robot_ids[] = r
obst = [Obstacle(12, 0.275), Obstacle(10, 0.275), Obstacle(14, 0.275), Obstacle(15, 0.275)]
obst = [Obstacle(12, 0.275), Obstacle(10, 0.275), Obstacle(13, 0.275), Obstacle(14, 0.275)]
self.obstacles = {}
self.obstacles = {}
for r in obst:
for r in obst:
@ -369,18 +369,10 @@ class RemoteController:
markers_out = self.track.outer.values()
markers_out = self.track.outer.values()
# find targets:
# find targets:
lamb = 0.2
lamb = 0.3
j = 0
for i in range(0,4):
for i in range(0,4):
p = np.array(markers_in[i]) + lamb * (np.array(markers_out[i]) - np.array(markers_in[i]))
p = np.array(markers_in[i]) + lamb * (np.array(markers_out[i]) - np.array(markers_in[i]))
targets[j] = (p[0],p[1], 0.0)
targets[i] = (p[0],p[1], 0.0)
j += 1
if i < 3:
mean_in = (np.array(markers_in[i]) + np.array(markers_in[i+1])) * 0.5
mean_out = (np.array(markers_out[i]) + np.array(markers_out[i+1])) * 0.5
mean = mean_in + (1.0 - lamb) * (mean_out - mean_in)
targets[j] = (mean[0], mean[1], 0.0)
j += 1
auto_control = False
auto_control = False
current_target = 0
current_target = 0
@ -413,12 +405,6 @@ class RemoteController:
|||||| = (-0.5,0.5, 0.0)
| = (-0.5,0.5, 0.0)
|||||| = targets[3]
| = targets[3]
elif event.key == pygame.K_5:
elif event.key == pygame.K_5:
|||||| = targets[4]
elif event.key == pygame.K_6:
|||||| = targets[5]
elif event.key == pygame.K_7:
|||||| = targets[6]
elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
auto_control = not auto_control
auto_control = not auto_control
if auto_control:
if auto_control:
|||||| = targets[current_target]
| = targets[current_target]
@ -430,7 +416,7 @@ class RemoteController:
if auto_control:
if auto_control:
if np.linalg.norm(x_pred[0:2]-np.array([0:2])) < 0.3:
if np.linalg.norm(x_pred[0:2]-np.array([0:2])) < 0.3:
print("close to target!")
print("close to target!")
current_target = (current_target + 1) % 7
current_target = (current_target + 1) % 4
|||||| = targets[current_target]
| = targets[current_target]
print("new target = {}".format(current_target))
print("new target = {}".format(current_target))
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
import socket
import pygame
pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
rc_socket = socket.socket()
rc_socket.connect(('', 1337)) # connect to robot
except socket.error:
print("could not connect to socket")
while True:
u1 = 0
u2 = 0
vmax = 10.0
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
u1 = -vmax / 10.0
u2 = vmax/ 10.0
print("turn left: ({},{})".format(u1, u2))
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
u1 = vmax/ 10.0
u2 = -vmax/ 10.0
print("turn right: ({},{})".format(u1, u2))
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
u1 = vmax
u2 = vmax
print("forward: ({},{})".format(u1, u2))
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
u1 = -vmax
u2 = -vmax
print("backward: ({},{})".format(u1, u2))
rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2))
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
print("key released, resetting: ({},{})".format(u1, u2))
rc_socket.send('({},{})\n'.format(u1, u2))
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
import sys
import socket
import time
import numpy as np
import pygame
from threading import Thread, Lock
import scipy.integrate
single_robot = True
class Server:
def __init__(self):
self.ip = ''
self.recv_port = 1337 # port for receiving data
self.send_port = 1338 # port for sending data
self.recv_addr = socket.getaddrinfo(self.ip, self.recv_port)[0][-1]
if not single_robot:
self.robots = []
self.rob = Robot()
self.receiver = Thread(target=self.remote_control)
def remote_control(self):
print("setting up socket communication ...")
recv_socket = socket.socket()
while True:
print("waiting for connections on {} ...".format(self.recv_addr))
(comm_socket, address) = recv_socket.accept() # this blocks until someone connects to the socket
print("starting thread for handling communication with {}".format(address))
Thread(target=self.handle_communication, args=(comm_socket, address)).start()
def handle_communication(self, socket, address):
listening = True
if not single_robot:
rob = Robot()
while listening:
# expected data: '(u1, u2)'\n"
# where ui = control for motor i
# ui \in [-1.0, 1.0]
data = socket.recv(4096)
data_str = data.decode()
#print("Data received: {}".format(data_str))
#print("processing data = {}".format(data_str))
l = data_str.strip('()\n').split(',')
#print("l = {}".format(l))
u1 = float(l[0])
#print("u1 = {}".format(u1))
u2 = float(l[1])
#print("u2 = {}".format(u2))
if single_robot:
self.rob.set_control(u1, u2)
rob.set_control(u1, u2)
except ValueError:
print("ValueError: Data has wrong format.")
print("Data received: {}".format(data_str))
except IndexError:
print("IndexError: Data has wrong format.")
print("Data received: {}".format(data_str))
except Exception as e:
print("Some other error occured")
print("Exception: {}".format(e))
if not single_robot:
class Robot:
def __init__(self):
self.x = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
self.u1 = 0.0
self.u2 = 0.0
self.r = 0.3
self.R = 0.5
self.d = 0.2
self.mutex = Lock()
self.omega_max = 50.0
self.integrator = scipy.integrate.ode(self.f)
self.simulator = Thread(target=self.simulate)
def set_control(self, u1, u2):
self.u1 = u1
self.u2 = u2
def simulate(self):
t0 = time.time()
t = time.time()-t0
while True:
self.integrator.set_f_params(self.omega_max * np.array([self.u1, self.u2]))
self.integrator.set_initial_value(self.x, t)
dt = time.time() - t0 - t
self.x = self.integrator.integrate(self.integrator.t + dt)
t = time.time() - t0
def f(self, t, x, u):
r = self.r
d = self.d
R = self.R
theta = x[2]
omegar = u[0]
omegal = u[1]
dx = np.zeros((3,1))
dx[0] = (r/2.0 * np.cos(theta) - r * d/(2.0 * R) * np.sin(theta)) * omegar + \
(r/2.0 * np.cos(theta) + r * d/(2.0 * R) * np.sin(theta)) * omegal
dx[1] = (r/2.0 * np.sin(theta) + r * d/(2.0 * R) * np.cos(theta)) * omegar + \
(r/2.0 * np.sin(theta) - r * d/(2.0 * R) * np.cos(theta)) * omegal
dx[2] = r/(2.0 * R) * (omegar - omegal)
return dx
def main(args):
# wait for connections of socket
s = Server()
background_colour = (255, 255, 255)
(width, height) = (640, 480)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
running = True
while running:
r = s.rob
#for r in s.robots:
x = int(r.x[0] + width/2.0)
y = int(r.x[1] + height / 2.0)
phi = r.x[2]
phases = ( phi + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi ) - np.pi
if x < 0 or x > width or y < 0 or y > height:
r.x[0] = 0.0
r.x[1] = 0.0
c = int((phases + 2.0 * np.pi) / (4.0 * np.pi) * 255)
#color = (c, c, c)
color = (0,0,0)
screen.set_at((x, y), color)
if __name__ == '__main__':